Chapter 4 - Lemon on Your Lips

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Rody wouldn't consider himself an extrovert, at least not the typical person people often thought about when they talked about an extrovert. Actively seeking out to talk to people wasn't something he was known for doing. But something he was known for doing was to always finding an opportunity to spend time with his girlfriend Manon. Whether it was at the park, with a meal at restaurant he could barely afford with his minimum wage paycheck, or just lounging on his couch watching TV, in his apartment that would exclusively be cleaned when a visit from her was anticipated. It was not an option to let her see the undone laundry scattered across the floor, the leftover takeout on the kitchen counter and the unfolded clothes just almost spilling out of his closet. What would she think of him, an unfit partner unworthy of her attention? Rody couldn't let that happen. She was his everything, he fully had every intention to sweep her off her feet and he couldn't let her slip away from his life. Not like this.

They were on a break, or from how he would like to perceive it, she was giving him an opportunity to prove his worth and his ability to take care of her in the future. Even though Rody had yet an idea of what she was unsatisfied with, he knew he had to get his shit together. No matter what it may be that she wanted him to change, he knew he had to do something, and he figured it would all start with a job, or moreover, better-paying job. A bigger payment would mean he could afford better things for her, such as an expensive necklace to compliment her pretty face, a beautiful dress for her to don while out and about, a nicer apartment for her to visit, or even a house for them to spend their future together. If only he had stayed in college...

But that didn't matter, it wasn't too late to start job hunting now, although it had proven to be a bit more difficult than he had anticipated. Finding a job wasn't the issue per se-he had survived on minimum wage salary on his own and still would have enough to buy a little gift for Manon by the end of the month-the real problem was finding a well-paid job as a college drop-out. Either the job gave high salary but required advanced education, or it didn't but only paid minimum wage or a little more. So, after a long time of searching, his feet took him to La Gueule de Saturne, the world-renowned restaurant that had still been the talk of the town ever since its road to fame not too long ago, with exquisite cuisines made by the most qualified chefs out there, and its uniqueness of having a different menu per day.

He knew he'd stick out like a sore thumb here, from the fancy front, the... questionable rich folks decor, to the fact he was not at all familiar with the world of fine dining. Technically he didn't even have the credentials to apply for a job here, but he thought, maybe they weren't that important for a waiter and that he could hope they would let it slide. Still, there was a high chance he wouldn't get accepted, but it was better getting rejected knowing that you tried, rather than not trying. And hey, he went out of his way to whip out his white collared shirt that had been collecting dust in his closet just for this occasion. Usually he reserved it for date nights with Manon in high-end establishments. His hair, he could've done a better job at it, but oh well, the interviewer probably wouldn't notice it anyway, right?

What Rody didn't expect, however, was seeing Vincent sitting there in the office, the Vincent Charbonneau, the familiar face that had popped up on the newspapers plenty of times, and the person who would regularly be mentioned in the banter of the ladies he would hear in passing on the streets. It absolutely caught Rody off-guard-he was expecting a manager of some sort to interview him, not the actual owner himself. It totally wasn't his relaxed yet professional posture, his tall slender figure, his dexterous fingers elegantly flipping the newspaper in his hands, his sharp jawline, his perfect neat hair and his gorgeous dark eyes that seemed to sparkle under the dim light like a starry night.

No, definitely not that.

How the interview went was a blur, he didn't remember the exact details of it, probably because his brain had blocked it out in an attempt to not remind about the stress he felt during those short minutes. The only tiny bits he managed to recall was him practically pleading to get the job, and Vincent's stare on him. He wouldn't describe it as "intense", but there was just something about it that still stuck to Rody now. He could feel like he was being judged, probably from his lack of qualification and lack of care to his looks, but it wasn't just that, and it could honestly drive him crazy trying to figure out what it was-

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