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Luke sat cross-legged at his desk, headphones clamped over his ears, the glow of his computer screen casting an eerie light on his face. The voice chat with Zafino crackled to life, and he heard his friend's familiar voice.

"Hey, Luke," Zafino said, his tone casual. "What's up?"

Luke hesitated, then blurted out, "I need your help, Zafino. It's about Sam."

Zafino chuckled. "Sam? Your big brother? What's he done now?"

"He's missing," Luke said, his voice trembling. "He disappeared a week ago. And I think he's in the Backrooms."

"The Backrooms?" Zafino scoffed. "Come on, Luke!"

"But I dreamt about it," Luke insisted. "Sam and I were there. The endless yellow corridors, the flickering lights. It felt so real."

Zafino sighed. "Dreams are just dreams, man. The Backrooms are an internet meme, a creepy pasta. They're not real."

"But you were the one who told me about them!" Luke's anger flared. "You showed me those threads, those stories! You said they were a hidden dimension, a place between reality and nightmare!"

Zafino leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, because they're fascinating. But that doesn't mean they exist. Sam probably just ran off somewhere, maybe crashed at a friend's place. You're overreacting."

"Overreacting?!" Luke clenched his fists. "Sam's my brother! He wouldn't just vanish without a trace. And I know what I saw in that dream."

Zafino's voice softened. "Look, Luke, I get it. But sometimes our minds play tricks on us. Maybe you're just stressed. School's been tough lately, I know."

Luke's anger turned to frustration. How could Zafino be so careless? "This isn't about school, Zafino! It's about Sam. He's out there somewhere, and I have to find him."

Zafino hesitated. "Okay, let's say the Backrooms are real. What's your plan? How do you even get there?"

"I don't know," Luke admitted. "But I'll figure it out. I'll search every corner of the internet, every obscure forum. I'll find a way."

Zafino sighed again. "Fine, Luke. But promise me one thing. If you don't find anything, if Sam doesn't turn up, you'll let it go. You'll focus on your own life."

Luke clenched his teeth. "I can't promise that. Sam's my responsibility."

Zafino's voice grew distant. "Well, I can't be part of this wild goose chase. I wish you luck, Luke. Really, I do."

And then, without another word, Zafino disconnected from the chat. Luke stared at the empty screen, his heart pounding. He felt abandoned, betrayed.

But he couldn't stop. He wouldn't stop. The Backrooms were real, and Sam was there. Luke would find him, no matter the cost.

As the night stretched on, Luke opened his browser, fingers flying across the keyboard. He delved deeper into the Backrooms lore, searching for clues, for a way in. The glow of the screen bathed his face, casting shadows on the walls.


Luke's backpack weighed heavily on his shoulders, the supplies a lifeline in this surreal journey. He'd read every account, every warning about the Backrooms. Most who entered never returned. But what choice did he have? Sam was out there, lost in that twisted maze.

The Reddit thread had been a lifeline—a beacon of hope. The original 4chan post eluded him, but the Backrooms lore had spread like wildfire. Zafino's skepticism echoed in his mind, but Luke couldn't afford doubt. He'd do whatever it took to find his brother.

"Noclipping out of reality" Luke muttered, repeating the words he read. The Backrooms were a place you could enter by defying the laws of physics, slipping through the fabric of existence. He clenched his fists. If there was even a chance of finding Sam there, he had to take it.

His gaze shifted to the basement door. The dim light flickered, casting elongated shadows on the walls. Luke had never been down there before. It was a place of forgotten memories, old furniture, and dust-covered relics. But now, it held the key to his brother's disappearance.

He descended the creaky wooden steps, each one a heartbeat. The air grew colder, and the smell of dampness enveloped him. The basement was a maze of forgotten things—cracked mirrors, cardboard boxes, and ancient books. And then, he saw it—a wall subtly different from the others.

Luke pressed his palm against it. The texture was wrong, like touching the edge of a dream. His hand sank through the surface, and he gasped. He was right. The Backrooms were real. His heart raced as he stepped forward, the wall swallowing him whole.

The transition was disorienting. The world blurred, colors melting into darkness. Luke closed his eyes, clinging to the memory of Sam's face. He'd find him. He had to.

When he opened his eyes, he stood in a narrow corridor. The walls were a sickly shade of yellow, the carpet beneath his feet worn and stained. The air was thick, suffocating. Luke's heart raced. He was in the Backrooms—the place where reality unraveled.

He walked, each step echoing. Doors lined both sides, leading to more empty rooms, more monotony. The hum of fluorescent lights buzzed in his ears. Luke's resolve hardened. He'd search every corner, every hallway. Sam had to be here.

"God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby," the Reddit post had warned. Luke strained his ears, but there was only silence—the oppressive, unyielding silence of the Backrooms.

He moved deeper, heart pounding. The yellow madness closed in. He thought of Sam, of their childhood adventures. They'd faced monsters together, laughed in the face of fear. This was no different. He'd find Sam, bring him home.

And then, he heard it—a distant whisper. "Help me, Luke. Find me." Sam's voice. Luke followed it, ignoring the gnawing fear. The walls seemed to pulse, the carpet alive. But he pushed forward, driven by love.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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The Backrooms Chronicles I: The Vanishing HallsWhere stories live. Discover now