Ducks and Dinner

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"Then let's make that happen. We should start as soon as possible"

*She looked at him with a surprised look while her face turned red.*

*He couldn't help but laugh a little bit at just how shy she looked right now. Her face was even red to compliment her surprised look. It was just a moment of pure bliss. She was just so cute and it was like she was unable to believe that he was actually serious about this. But he was very much serious about it. This was his one true desire. He wanted to have a baby with her and he was so happy that she wanted it too. So he pulled her down and they started kissing each other.*

*The two of them just kept kissing each other over and over. Lucifer was just soaking in the feeling of her lips against his. Now that they understood what was missing all was perfect. Nothing could stop them now. Then he finally pulled away but he pulled her close to him so that they could stay in each other's arms. Their faces were now very close to each other's, with their noses touching. Then he smiled at her.*

"You know we could start trying to make this baby right NOW"

"Alright then put a baby inside of me~"

*Lucifer now had this extremely flirtatious look on his face. This was a side of him he rarely let her see especially with how he acted in public. But it was a side of him that they both really loved. He gave her this little devilish grin and spoke with a very charming voice.*

"Oh I plan to. And just thinking about it is making me just want you so much~"

*Then he started kissing her neck and giving hickeys*

*Lucifer was enjoying this very much and she could tell. His kisses were so passionate and his hickeys were incredibly hot. Then he started to work his way down her body. He was going to leave no inch on her untouched by his lips or his bite. He was going to make her feel so sensitive and desired that she couldn't even stand to not have him on her another second longer.*

*He slowly started to pull down her clothes kissing every part of her body*

*Lucifer was taking this at a slow and more sensual pace. It was like he was making love to her rather than just having a quick session. And it was definitely working because with each kiss she felt more and more sensitive to any touch. Her body was starting to feel like it was on fire. She had never been touched like this during their intimate moments and she didn't want it to ever stop.*

*Before they knew he was inside of her. Feeling each other's bodies deep. Then morning came they were laying next to each other neked cuddling.*

*Lucifer's mind was all over the place after that amazing last night. He felt so many different emotions right now. One of which was feeling happy because he was certain that she enjoyed the experience just as much as he did. He then looked over at her and she seemed to be enjoying just cuddling up on him in bed. She looked so cute and he felt so lucky to have her as his wife. He reached over to her hand and gently took her hand in his and kissed her forehead.*

"This was amazing"

*Y/n said as she looked into his eyes*

*Lucifer looked at her and smiled. Then he let out a small chuckle before speaking back.*

"Yeah it truly was. I'm still feeling the effects of it right now. Just looking at you and touching you just gets me all fired up again"

*Lucifer laughed a little bit at her response. She really loved their intimate moments this much? Well he was more than happy to keep giving it to her. But he also had to face reality.*

"Sorry to break it to you darling but the day has started and we do have to get up. We have stuff to do today."

"I know but still. I have to go and help Charlie at the Hotel and you are going to go to your office and make some ducks. We are only going to see each other again in the evening"

*Lucifer let out a small chuckle again. She was right. A part of him also did just want to stay in bed with her the entire day. He didn't want to be apart from her at all. But she was right they did have stuff to do today. They both did have their own separate jobs. So they would have to work. Lucifer now kissed her forehead again.*

"Yeah I know it's a little sad we have to be separated all day. But we will be together again once it's night time."

"Alright my love let's get this day to start"

*Y/n said getting out of bed with her husband*

*Lucifer just smiled as he got out of bed too. He didn't want to get out but it wasn't like he had a choice since it's time to start the day. But the nice part was that he just loved spending time with her either way. So being apart for a few hours wouldn't be so bad. He could always look forward to coming home to her in the evening. He walked over to her as she got up and gave her one last kiss.*

*Lucifer did feel a bit sad that he and his wife were separated for the entire day. He really just wanted to be with her. He never enjoyed being away from her even for a little while. But at least he had his work to keep him busy for the day. So he sat down and started to get to work with a bunch of ducks and his paperwork. It got him a bit annoyed that he still couldn't stop thinking about her. But he would see her eventually, just not soon enough.*

*The evening came really slowly.*

*Lucifer had now been waiting all day long. It was as if time was just not moving at all. He had done his work, but it still didn't change the fact that he had to stay away from his wife for so long. That was just annoying. But then that annoying feeling was suddenly replaced by a sudden feeling of relief as it started to get dark outside. Because he now knew that he wasn't going to have to wait long before seeing his wife. If only there was a way to make time speed up.*

*He was thinking about something to make or do to his wife. Maybe a romantic dinner? Or maybe he should make a gift for her?*

*Either option was actually pretty tempting at this point. He wanted to really make the day just an amazing and unforgettable night for her. But he wasn't exactly sure which one he should go for. Should he make her a nice romantic dinner that would impress her or should he get her a gift that would surprise her. The ideas were conflicting. He loved both of these options. One of which would definitely result in her loving the outcome. So he couldn't really decide. So he just thought deeply about each option and decided on one finally.*

*He decided to make both happen. So he made her some rubber ducks that represented the family. Her, him, Charlie and he put another little duck there representing the new family member who he hoped are coming soon. After that he made a very romantic dinner with roses and her favorite food.*

*Lucifer smiled as he finished making both the ducks and the dinner. It took him quite a bit of time to make everything perfect for her but he felt like it was all worth it. Now he couldn't wait for her to see everything. This was going to be one night that would never be forgotten. Now all he had to do was wait for her to finally come home so he could show her his hard work.*

"I'm home!"

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