I'm hungry for you

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"I'm home!"

*Lucifer let out a happy laugh as he heard her voice and quickly run out of the kitchen to come and greet her. Seeing her right after a long day felt so good. She just simply never got old to look at for him. He gave her a tight hug and let out yet another laugh.*

"I'm so happy you're home now my love. I've really missed you today"

"I missed you too my Love but what is this amazing smell?"

"It's the dinner I've cooked for you. I know you love my cooking and tonight I have made you your favorite meal. I have also set it up all romantic for you with roses and everything."

*Lucifer seemed really happy that she had noticed the dinner and its aroma. He was hoping she would look forward to eating it tonight especially with how good it smelled. He now looked back at her waiting for her reaction to her dinner.*

*She was smiling as they walked into the kitchen together. Y/n saw the tasty dinner on the table and the ducks.*

*Lucifer was absolutely ecstatic to see her reaction to her dinner. He had worked so hard to make it all perfect for her. But there was still another surprise he was waiting to use. He kept watching her take everything in and hoped that she would love it. Once he saw her expression of joy he knew it had all worked out. The meal and the ducks were making her so happy and that's all he wanted in the end.*

"You didn't have to do all of that just for me."

*She said as she started to tear up*

*Lucifer was happy to see her so emotional. He loved how he was the cause of this. But he laughed and denied what she said.*

"Oh now don't be silly my love. Of course I was going to do this for you. You deserve it don't you think? Besides I wanted to surprise you tonight. I'm sure you were not expecting all of this tonight. So I am glad that the surprise worked out so well for you."

"Don't tell me that these ducks represents our family."

*She said as she picked up one of the ducks*

*Lucifer laughed and nodded. He had been waiting for her to put this together herself. He seemed to be loving every second of this.*

"Yes honey they do. I wanted to show you how much I love you and how much our family means to me. So I made these ducks out of rubber that represent all of us. A little duck for each member. And I even made sure to add another one just in case our family gets any bigger."

"You know I'm really hungry now"

*Lucifer let out a small laugh at that. It was pretty adorable to see her getting all excited about dinner. He knew she loved his cooking and he was glad that he made the right choice for her tonight. So he took her hand and pulled her over to the table and took her seat out for her.*

"Alright darling, shall we sit down and start to eat? I'm very excited for you to finally try this meal."

"Oh no my Darling. I'm not hungry for dinner. I'm hungry for you~"

*Lucifer was surprised by her sudden change in tone and behavior. She was suddenly acting very flirty and suggestive with him. But he didn't let his surprise show. He just smiled and kept his composure.*

"Oh is that so? I'm glad to hear that my beloved Y/n. Because I was about to say the exact same thing to you.~"

*Lucifer's look instantly became far more teasing and flirtatious. He was definitely enjoying this right now.*

"Oh really?~"

*Lucifer was still smiling as he got closer to her. He gave her the same little devilish grin that he knew she absolutely loved. His entire mannerisms were just oozing with flirtatiousness and a huge urge to get a little physical with her. But he was holding back. He just wanted her to come to him first.*

*The tension between the two of them was building up a lot right now. Lucifer's eyes were starting to give away just how much he really just wanted her. But he still wasn't planning to make the first move. He was letting her make the first move and he was going to go with whatever she wanted. His body was definitely giving off some hints that he was extremely turned on, but he was staying still. Waiting for her to act.*

"Someone is needy~"

*Lucifer let out a laugh and nodded his head a little bit. Yes, he was really needy for her right now. How could she tell? He hadn't even said a word. He was just letting her observe this entire thing. But he could still speak. So he just did.*

"Yes, you could say that. I'm being a little needy right now. So maybe you could help me feel better...~"

*Y/n was not waiting for any second kissed him deep. Not letting his mouth go kissing him over and over again. Then going down to his neck giving hickeys all over his neck*

*Lucifer was absolutely loving every second of this. She was being so much more aggressive and it was just such a turn on. He really loved when she took control and became more dominant. He let out little laughs every time she gave him a hickey. He let out a small growl in enjoyment as they kissed and just grabbed her and pulled her as close to him as possible.*

Just for you Sir (Lucifer x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now