I'll take that offer up

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Enjoy the second chapter


After what happened with Nico, I couldn't stop thinking of him. I haven't told anyone of what happened at the workshop and if I'm being honest. It felt so good to get it off my chest. When it became light, why Nico was walking around in the dark beats the Zeus out of me, I headed to the pavilion and grabbed my food which was toast, eggs and bacon. I looked over and made eye contact with Nico. I quickly look away and scrap off some of my food for my dad.

"Hope you enjoy MY breakfast." I muttered before walking past the Hephaestus cabin and sat with Nico. I picked up a piece of bacon and bite into it. That's when the whispers started.

"Why's Leo sitting with Nico?"

"I don't know."

"Freaks belong with freaks." I heard and knew who it was and rolled my eyes. It was James, son of Aphrodite. He's hated me since I came because I hung out too much with Piper, his sister/ my best friend. Or because I rejected him. Yeah, he asked me out but he is not my type. Also yes you heard me, he's not my type, I'm Pan don't ask how I found out.

"So, Leo, why are you sitting with me? Not that that's a bad thing!" Nico said I shrugged as I took a bite of my eggs.

"Just saw how lonely you are. Seemed like you needed someone to sit next to you. And if you wanted to take my offer up?" I said he looked at me.

"I was thinking and I want to take up your offer. Like I said myself, it's not good to bottle things up." He said I nod.

"Good." I said then looked at his plate and pointed at it with my fork.

"Is that all you are eating?" I asked as he nods. His plate was a bite of eggs and that was it. I groan.

"What?" He asked.

"You. You sir are eating more than that." I said and got up then grabbed a banana and sat back down.

"You want me to eat that?" He asked I nod.

"Uh huh. Start on something small and work our way up." I said.

"If I die from poison, on my tombstone I want 'It was Leo who gave me the food.' Okay?" He said.

"It's good for you Neeks." I said he gave a little glare at the nickname but said nothing. He took a bite then it was gone.

"That's the most I've ever eaten." He said I smiled.

"You'll be eating more and more each day." I said 'Leo! Stop being protective as if you're dating! Your friends! Just friends!' I thought. 'But you want to be more.' Inside my head said I groaned internally but didn't say anything. Do I like Nico more than just a friend? I mean, I don't even know if he likes guys.

"Leo?" I heard and saw fingers snapping in front of my face. I look over at Nico.

"Sorry. I was just thinking." I said.

"About what?" He asked.

"Just...a thing I'm making." I lied.

"Okayy. Anyways, I was asking if you wanted to hang out with me later?" He asked I stared at me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was thinking of going swimming. If you're up for it?" He said I nod.

"Yeah! I mean uh, yeah. That's fine." I said he smiled and my eyes widened.

"No. Leo don't." He said.

"OH MY GODS I JUS-" He covered my hand with his mouth. Me being me I licked his hand.

"Eww...Leo, that's just gross." He said I shrugged.

"Let's go!" I said grabbing his hand and taking off to his cabin. 

"Woah! Easy Leo!" He said I slowed down and stopped at his cabin.

"Meet at the lake in 20." I said he nodded and I ran off to my cabin to get ready.

"What's got you so happy, Leo?" I heard a small voice ask then turned and saw my little brother, Harley.

"Nothing much Harley. Just me and one of my friends are going to hang out and we hardly hang out." I said, smiling lightly.

"Okay, if you say so." He said I nod.

"I gotta get into my swim shorts." I said and headed to my dresser, grabbed my swim shorts and went to the bathroom to change. After changing into my shorts and throwing on another shirt, I grabbed two towels, one a fire-ish color and the other black. I headed to the lake and saw Nico was already there. I smiled as I got closer to him.

"Hey Leo." Nico said I stood by him and smiled.

"Ready for a swim?" I asked he nods. I took off my shirt and saw him taking off his own and I took a better look at Nico. He had black shorts with skulls on them, and if I'm being honest, it suits him perfectly. I give him a smirk before running along the shore and jumping into the water making some water splash on him. I come up and see him glaring I chuckle at his face before my face falls as I see him running at me. I went further into the water and swam away from him. I yelped as I felt hands on my waist and squirmed as he pulled me to the shore. 

"You are so going to get it, Leo." He said I stop then stare at him. 

"Y-you called me Leo....YOU CALLED ME LEO!" I cheered.

"What?" He asked.

"You always call me Valdez." I said then looked at him and wanted to pause and take a picture. Don't judge me, but I'm not gonna lie. Nico looks hot with a capital H when his hair is wet and without his shirt makes butterflies go off in my stomach. ' Holy shit. I like Nico Di Angelo.' I thought.

Words: 957

That's the end of this chapter y'all, sorry it's short. Hope you all enjoyed it! I'll update as soon as I can.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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