CHAPTER SEVEN: Quest to play Godly Kickball

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I jolted awake "PERCY!!" I screamed in utter horror breathing heavily not even feeling the pain my body is under because of how scared, angered and disturbed I am by what I just saw at first I thought I might still be dreaming then when i realized i wasn't i tried to rationalize what i saw but then I realized there were a bunch of tiny holes on my body and a few arrows still in my arms

"AHH WHAT THE". I was interrupted by Chiron who promptly said "Language" before I even got the word out I basically told him to go- language himself with my eyes that bore daggers into his soul, he backed away clearly a little scared as I could look very menacing when I wanted too. I looked down at my clothes and screeched, they had been entirely new clothes meaning someone must have changed me in my sleep. my clothes were now a dark black shirt with a with a frontal bright Orange print consisting of the words 'Camp Half-Blood' above a bright orange pegasus with the words 'long island sound ny' under it in bright orange lettering. I was also wearing blue sweatpants.

Then I noticed Luke was sitting next to my hospital bed in the same shirt as me, it looked great on him, I recall seeing him and everyone in an inverted color version of it but he must have changed so I didn't feel silly. For a moment I got lost in his appearance, his inviting eyes, nice clear skin and the scar on his eye actually matched the darker shirt more he also wore blue jeans and his necklace that showed every year he's been here. But then I remembered what I saw and that sent a shiver down my spine I looked terrified.

"Lily, are you okay?" Luke said in a caring tone like he actually gave a language if i was okay which was incredibly refreshing, to finally actually have someone acknowledge my existence after hours of thinking I was dead was so relieving "really bad dream" I got up and rushed over to him giving him a really tight hug like a sister who was really scared. I clung to him tightly not wanting to let him go. He ran his hand through my hair to comfort me in a brotherly way. even though he was attractive he felt more like a brother to me, so it felt so relieving to be treated like his sister even if it was because I was terrified of losing him or Percy, it was only a dream after all why am I so scared of it becoming a reality. I got distracted by a clock ticking off by a minute or so which I didn't know how I knew. "Waits wrong, you seem distracted" Luke said in a brotherly tone, I thought really hard of something to say other than, 'yeah I watched Percy kill you in my dream' so I just decided to say that the clock was off. "the clock is off by a minute"

Luke's face looked skeptical. "was that really what was bothering you that much?" I shook my head eagerly trying to move past this subject. "yes what were you expecting.." I said in a playful tone my poker face either being extremely bad or really good it doesn't matter, the outcome was the same he seemed to not pry deeper. Luke's hand reached out and looked like he was offering me it to get up and go do something fun. "I can't.. I have irregular holes in my body still, I need to rest" I said weakly but the truth was I was just lazy. "Come on you can rest when you're dead" I grabbed his hand tightly pulling myself up almost knocking him down with how hard I pulled I weakly stood in front of him. "This shirt is too long" I said in a dry tone. "I can have it cut for you if you'd like" he said in the same tone he normally has like he took my words serious. "No, the camp would probably get upset for defacing their uniform" I seemed like I expected it to be an actual uniform that's mandatory and not customizable. "You know you don't have to wear that right? I mean if you want you can just wear normal clothes. People just wear it to promote unity, y'know it's..." I could tell he was gonna say something condescending but he chose not too. "It's cute." He finished his sentence like those words physically hurt to say in the cheerry tone he said it in

"I guess it is cute.. I might have it shortened sometime? Do you think up to here's fine?" I said in a teasing playful tone as I put my hands right below my chest in a really risky place. "Oh gods no don't do that" Luke replied in a kind of upset big brother like tone which made me laugh, and then he understood that it was a joke. "Don't mess with me like that you" he thought hard for a second. "meanie" I laughed. "really? Meanie? That's all you could think of?" I mocked in a playful tone but still it sounded a bit condescending in the way best friends talk to each other.

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