CHAPTER THREE: Do you have pepsi?

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I had weird dreams of sailing the oceans with Odysseus, but when i woke up i was on a hospital bed with Mr D next to me praying that I'd die so he didn't have to do paperwork

When he saw my eyes he asked "me dammit, why don't the gods ever answer my prayers" then he started to walk away

"Wait is that, jesus?" I said out loud by accident, i thought i had thought that

"Ugh no, i mean technically they based that pansy off on me but I'm not him" he said as if he had been asked that too much he then turned back around

"wait then you're dionysus?" I said jokingly cause everyone knows gods don't exist

"Wow you're so intelligent, any other questions?" He said sarcastically as if he'd been asked that a million times before too

"Prove it" i said very skeptical because gods can't exist can they?

"Do you want me to turn you into a dolphin? I can do that you know" he said proud of his power but angry at me

"Why don't you turn this water into wine?" i picked up a cup of water that was left for me when i woke up and handed it to him instead of turning into wine it turned into coca cola

"Yeah I'm not allowed to give kids wine, or get drunk around you. I've been sober for centuries its really annoying" he handed me my glass of coke and continued talking "I'm not allowed to leave either, one rump in the woods with Zeus's favorite wood nymph and-" he sniffed the air "you smell different" he grabbed a knife "let me see something give me your arm"

Chiron walked in "what are you doing to the poor child" he had horse legs

"MR BRUNER, YOU'RE A HORSE?" my eyes widened and i began to realize that i was actually talking to the god of alcohol and he was about to slit my wrist i yanked my arm away "please don't, your lordship" my tone made it clear that i was saying please out of fear and not respect

"Well atleast someone recognizes my power" he smirked and took the knife back to the knife rack "I'm gonna go take a nap before tonights sing along" he waved goodbye to me weirdly as if he maybe a little bit enjoyed my presence

"Well, i guess he likes you. Thats.. a first." Chiron said smiling at me "so miss Jekyll we have lots to discuss"

I looked at his legs again and realized again "WAIT YOU'RE A HORSE" i cleared my throat and found a more respectful tone as chiron was a man with 4 strong legs "Sorry i got excited, you're a centaur?"

Chiron made a face that said two things 1. I don't like being called a horse and 2. Its quite alright but what he said was not that "I'm sure you're confused you just met a god after all" he stared at my eyes that seemed to glow with excitement slightly "oh yes, i forgot you have to watch the orientational film" he made a face that conveyed that he thought he was stupid for not showing me sooner

"No, i don't wanna watch that" when i said that he made a face of disappointment but then put away the projector

"Very well, I'll just have Ms Chase explain to you" he said whilst a blonde girl walked in she was wearing an orange t shirt that said "camp halfblood" on it she was also holding a Yankees cap behind her back

"I'm annabeth, daughter of athena" she said with a face that said 'don't mess with me'

"Hi I'm Lily, daughter of venus" i said not realizing venus had been Aphrodite's roman name

"You mean aphrodite?" Annabeth tried to correct me

"No, venus zolomon. My mom, she's a human.. I think?" i said with a correcting tone like annabeth did with me

Lily Zolomon Jekyll: The Lightning Thief?Where stories live. Discover now