Why Dont We Escape Together?

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"I'm Dante." He smiled and shook hands with a girl he'd just properly met. Rosita Espinosa. "I am so happy your group saved me."

"We couldn't leave someone to die out here, not while our enemies are out there." She gave a small smile. A few hours prior, she'd been wary and suspicious of him. Rosita avoided him and talked amongst the others, questioning them. All they needed to know was that he was a doctor and they were on board. Dante pulled his lips to a smile. He was doing it. He was masking his true intentions; weakening Alexandria from the inside and spying on them.

"Enemies?" Dante raised a brow. He knew the answer. The Whisperers. They were the reason he was here, Alpha was. She'd sent him out with a group of guardians and had him pretend they were chasing him. For miles he tracked the Alexandrians, trying to find the perfect spot to take off his mask. They killed his guardians and immediately began to question him. He refocused onto Rosita.

"The Whisperers. They've killed some of our people. They wear these freaky skin masks and parade around with walkers." She furrowed her brows.

"Wow." He pressed his lips to a line. Rosita nodded.

"Come with me, since you're a doctor, you're going to be useful." Rosita smiled and led him away. They stopped before a building, presumably the infirmary. Inside there were no patients but the shelves were stocked with medication. "We have another doctor. His name is Siddiq but he's not here at the moment." She said. Dante tightened his jaw. Another doctor. This would be a problem, an imperfection in the Whisperers plan. He could not let this other doctor interfere with his plans.

"I am honored to be important here, and I can't wait to meet him." He lied through his teeth. Rosita kindly showed him around, letting him know where he'd be taking permanent residence, where he could get fresh water and food. The water caught his attention. There were three different levers facing the same direction. He quickly looked away and re focused on Rosita.

"I am going to meet up with Siddiq in his house, you should come meet him." She said. Dante agreed and followed her to a house. In the distance he could hear a baby cry. "That's Socorro , mine and Siddiqs daughter." She laughed,

"You two are together?" Dante questioned.

"Oh no, not anymore. We just agreed to help one another and take care of our daughter." Rosita laughed. Dante nodded, maybe he just felt a little bad for leaving a baby an orphan. "Just wait out here, I need to let Siddiq know you're coming." She stopped at the door to the house. Dante listened on to the conversation inside. Rosita poked her head from behind the door and signaled him to come inside. Dante stepped inside and followed her to the living room. Standing on the rug was a vaguely familiar back. He felt his blood run cold as the male turned. Dante recognized the dark haired beareded guy.(Siddiq is literally so gorgeous wtf I am in love with him) Siddiq gave a small smile and reached out his free hand to shake Dante's hand. In his arms he held a tiny infant, presumably Socorro. Dante swallowed hard and took his hand.

"Dante." He plastered a smile. "And this must be Socorro?" Dante peeked at the baby.

"Coco for short." Siddiq grinned. His brown eyes held back obvious pain and sadness that Dante could not help but notice. "I hear you are also a doctor?"

"Yes. I was a former Field Medic." Dante spoke confidently and looked at him, taking in his appearace once more. He could not help but admit to himself that he was handsome. Dark hair tied back, a beard, a well shaped facial structure, big eyes, long lashes, a muscular build, and smooth deep tan skin. (CLeaRLY i am very descriptive)

"I was a Resident Doctor." Siddiq nodded. Rosita cleared her throat and spoke.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but its getting late, Siddiq, do you mind guiding Dante to his residence? I will take Coco." She said and reached for her daughter.

Why Dont We Escape Together? (Siddiq X Dante)Where stories live. Discover now