Ending 2

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There was a knocking on the door. Thinking it were Rosita to come pick up Coco, he allowed them to come in. It wasn't Rosita.

"Hey, I uhm know it's late but I saw that your light was still on." The familiar voice spoke.

"I. . .need you to leave me alone."Siddiq did not have the power to fight with him.

"Can we chat for a second Jefe?"

Siddiq sighed. He'd let him talk.

". . .just for a second." He murmered. Dante came up behind him, hugging him by his waist. Siddiq tensed his body. He felt good to be hugged by him but where he stood. He felt afraid.

"Why don't we escape together. Tonight." (I wanna take him far away from this place I turn and see my sisters face and she is HELPLESS)

"What. What are you even saying? I have a daughter and friends here." Siddiq glared at his reflection. He wanted to sock him so bad at this moment.

"It's better that we do and never return to this place." Dante leaned nto his ear.

Siddiq flinchedat Dante's breath hitting the back of his neck. There were familiar noises everytime he talked. Tongue clicking. His breath quickend. Something about this was familiar. Too familiar.


"I'm sorry." Dante looked at him from the window reflection. Siddiq whiped around, recognizing the same clicking of the tongue. The chattering of the teeth. Dante was the one who'd been with him at the barn. It all made sense now. It was all so clear. Too clear. He eyed the weapon on the chair, Dante followed his eyes.

"I can't leave. I have a job here." Siddiq looked him in the eyes, trying to distract him. Dante took his face and kissed him. Neither closed their eyes. Siddiq put his hans to Dante's chest and shoved him as hard as he could. The push sent Dante tumbling into the bed, moving it out of place. Coco began to cry at the commotion. Siddiq took ahold of the weapon; an ax. Before Dante could grab him, he swung by his head. But Dante was agile. He managed to jump out of the way before it could tear him open. Coco screamed harder. 

"Siddiq, stop!" He begged and tried to grab the Ax. 

"YOU WERE THE ONE-" Siddiq began to shout. "YOU WERE THE ONE AT THE BARN!" He tried bringing it down his skull. Blinded with rage, he missed again. (Litteraly playing that hammer game at arcades, whack a mole lol) Dante managed to knock it out of his hands. 


Siddiq punched his head, making Dante dizzy and on the verge of passing out. He grabbed the ax and held it over him. For a second he felt his rage stop. His arms began to tremble. What if he couldn't kill him? Dante's hazy eyes stared up at him. 

"Forgive me." 

Siddiq dropped over him and put his arms around his body. Tears began to pour out. He couldn't forgive him. Never. Siqqiq pecked his lips. 

"I can't." 

"Siddiq I loved you."

He stood, and without giving another thought he brought the hammer down on his head. A brutal death. Blood sprayed into his eyes, blinding him. Siddiq dropped to the floor again, this time holding Dante's head, a grisly sight, in his lap. His body and mind were exhausted. Nothing could keep him from passing out. Not the screaming by the doorway. Not Coco's crying, not even Rosita shaking him.


Siddiq awoke after what felt like an eternity. His eyelids heavy and his stomach a pit. To his side was Rosita. He gently reached over to shake her awake. Her eyes shot open. 

"Siddiq!" Rosita leaned over and hugged him. Siddiq hugged her back. 

"Hey." He mumbled glumly. 

"What happened?" She whispered. 

"A mistake." Siddiq looked at her. "He was a Whisperer." 

Rosita looked at him, shocked. 

"How did you know? Did he attack first?" 

She and the rest of the Alexandrians would have a million more questions over the millions of other questions. 

"I attacked first. . . Where is his body?"

"It's going to be cremated. " 

"I can discard the ashes. I killed him." 

"Sure. But. . . why?" 

Siddiq closed his eyes. He could never bring himself to tell anyone what truly happened between them. Their love, their short lived love for one another. 

Why Dont We Escape Together? (Siddiq X Dante)Where stories live. Discover now