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Blood spit out from Seungmin's mouth. The repeated blows, kicks, and hits on his body had left cuts everywhere, and his clothes stained in the red liquid. He was lying on the ground in a fetal position, with his back hitting the cabinets behind him every time he was hit.

Everywhere hurt, and he was almost numb to the pain at this point. His mouth was filled with the metallic taste of blood.

Half of seungmin's first period class was studying, and the other half was busy beating him. This was the schedule now. The second after the teacher left the classroom, he would be jumped and beat til the bell rang.

Seungmin's attackers were always the same group of boys, about eight or nine of them. Their leader never got his hands dirty, and let his friends and classmates do all the work.

"Aish... stop, stop, stop." The leader waved his hand in his minion's face to stop him from hitting Seungmin's face again with a hard, wooden stick. Seungmin was relieved, and took his time to catch his breath and open his eyes to see what was happening.

The short, stubby boy paused mid swing and looked to his superior. "Give it here." He immediately obeyed, not wanting what was happening to Seungmin to happen to him too.

Their leader accepted the stick, wiping some of Seungmin's blood off of it with a handkerchief. he stuffed the white cloth back in his pocket and scanned the tense classroom. Finally, he found his target.


The boy slowly walked towards a quiet boy sitting in the back corner of the classroom. He instantly went pale and his eyes widened, and looked away, not wanting to make eye contact. Seungmin understood why.

Never poke a sleeping lion.

For the little time he had been here, the leader had already found himself followers and had the school wrapped around his finger. He ruled through fear, strength, and power. Anyone who talked to him or opposed him was as good as dead. Once you were noticed by him, you were forever under his radar. All of the teachers were also scared of him, since his dad had bought out the school.

The leader approached the scared boy, using his cold fingers to turn his chin to face him.

"Are you scared?"

The boy didn't dare look at him, but he worriedly shook his head no. The leader chuckled.

"I like this one." He grabbed his arm and took him up from his desk where he had been previously studying. He lead him over and pushed him to the front of the small crowd, and Seungmin looked up.

The boy was not a fighter, he could tell. He was small and skinny, and even though he stood with his shoulders back and a tough face, there was obvious fear in his eyes. He squinted his bruised eyes to look at his name tag.


The leader stepped in front of him, now seungmin was staring at the back of his head.

"Now, you knew him, didn't you?" The leader asked the nerdy boy. He nodded, looking downwards. "He had promised you the answers to the final exam last year in exchange for 200,000 won, but those answers were incorrect, weren't they?"

The boy nodded again, not daring to say no even if he was wrong, which the leader wasn't. Seungmin did remember giving a boy named Baekhyun final exam answers in exchange for money, but the answers were wrong. He knew Baekhyun was smart, and he wanted to get rid of some competition for top student, so his father wouldn't beat him again for not making the top five.

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