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    Scott stared in disbelief at Stiles. "Stiles are you serious? How do you not know!?" Scott yelled to his best friend as he grabbed him by the shoulders. Stiles could barely keep his eyes open, he was so out of it. "Stiles listen to me! You need too-!" Stiles couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. He just shut them and passed out his mouth open as he snored a bit. Scott stood up clearly frustrated. "Lydia! What do we do now?" He said as he turned to face her.

    Lydia looked at Scott and began to speak calmly,"Look." She took a deep breath and sighed. "We probably need to go deeper into his mind. The Nogitsune probably has him buried deep to keep him at bay." Lydia said looking down at the passed out Stiles in front of them. She twirled her strawberry blonde hair nervously.

    "But how to we go any further into his mind?" Scott was finally calming down. He just needed to think about everything. He looked around, searching for a way.

    Lydia did the same as she began to think. She suddenly had an idea that sparked in her head. Her eyes suddenly widened and she smiled slightly, Scott took notice. She began to say,"Maybe we should look around inside my house. If we got here through a door maybe we can get to his other memories through more doors!" Scott nodded and smiled as the both rushed inside of Lydia's house.

    They spilt up and searched every area of that house, opening every door and not finding a single thing out of the ordinary. But there was still one door. Lydia's door. Lydia was alone but she quickly called Scott over. She didn't take any time or make any comments before opening that door and walking through. Scott followed through quickly and closely behind her.

    The moment they walked through the door they were suddenly at the lacrosse field. It was empty but they could see two people on the field. There was a trail of blood, they both followed it quickly to see who it was and to there surprise it was Stiles and Lydia. It was the night of the dance when...when Lydia got attacked by Peter. Lydia was bleeding out in Stiles arms. He had tears in his eyes and some falling down his cheeks. The only way you could tell is because of how they illuminated in the lights of the felid.

    He held her closely to his chest whispering reassuring sayings into her ear, his voice cracking with almost every word. "L-Lydia it's ok, alright? You're gonna be fine." He tried to sound confident and maybe even funny but you could tell it wasn't working. He kept whispering until it became to much and was now choking on his own words. His eyes were red and in contrast his eye bags were a deep black. He held her even closer for a little while longer.

    Lydia stared in confusion at the sight. "I-I don't remember any of this." She muttered as she leaned down to face Stiles. Her practically dead body to much for her to bear looking at any more. "Stiles look at me." Lydia said staring into his brown eyes that were focused on the Lydia in his arms. "No, look at me." She said as she helped set Lydia's injured body on the ground and intertwined his hands with her own. "See Stiles? I'm okay. Now we need to know where the Nogitsune is. Do you know what I'm talking about?" She spoke to Stiles softly like a somebody would to a little child.

    Stiles looked at Lydia in shock as if just realizing she was there holding his hands. "Further..." He said as he looked around on the field cautiously. "You have to go further." He said staring into her eyes with a sudden panic to his demeanor.

    Lydia looked around and back at Stiles once more and spoke softly once again,"How do we go any further?" She asked somehow still keeping calm. Scott watched in amazement as she kept her cool.

    "Lydia there's not much time! He's watching." Stiles said as he stared into Lydia's eyes nervously.

    "Who's watching? The Nogitsune?" Lydia practically whispered not because she was trying to remain calm, it was because she was nervous of what's to come.

    Stiles looked around again this time he stood up quickly pulling away from Lydia's grasp. He was staring just past Scott, at the lacrosse field behind him. Scott and Lydia both turned to look behind them instantly fearing it was the Nogitsune but to their surprise when they both looked back Stiles was gone. Great.

Inside the mind of paranoia (editing.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant