Call of shame

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A/N: I never spellcheck this should be a norm by now. I'm so excited for the next few chapter of the story, so stay tuned.

Call with Lydia and Noah:

    Lydia walked into the kitchen as she pulled out her phone and stared at the lit up lock screen. It was a picture of her and the pack sitting at the picnic tables just outside of the school. But she seemed to only focus on Stiles. He wore a simple white tee-shirt and black jeans with some worn out sneakers. His backpack he's had since freshman year around both of his shoulders. While Lydia wore green jeans, and a loose fitting floral top with some brown heels. Her and him were close together, both smiling but especially Stiles. He smiled his usual radiant asymmetrical smile that she'd grown to admire. She chuckled softly at the picture before taking a deep breath and sighing. Her memory had become foggy since this whole thing had happened. She tried to remember what Stiles used to be like before. He would've made a plan...right? It was hard to imagine the current Stiles doing anything like that. She ultimately looked back down to be met with a black Home Screen. She had been stalling herself for way too long. She had to face the reality of calling the Sheriff or in this case his Dad. He needed to know how his own son was doing, not only his son but his only close relative.
Lydia could only imagine how the Sheriff would take the news considering it was hard for even herself to handle.

She slowly brought up her thumb to only begin to type in her password. She finished typing the 6 digits. Lydia hesitantly opened up her contacts and began to scroll through the long alphabetical list of names, half of which she didn't even know. Until she finally saw 'Sheriff Stilinski' right above the name 'Stiles Stilinski'. She almost called Stiles instead of the Sheriff in hopes to hear his voice again. In hopes that it wouldn't be shaky or scared but at some sort of ease. Lydia pushed down the thought, understanding the weight of his situation. So why was she even thinking about what she wanted, she should be thinking about what Stiles needs and to be honest...he needs everyone.

She finally opened up the Sheriffs contact info and before she could even talk her self out of it, she hit the button. She slowly put the phone up to her ear waiting for an answer.

"Ring!" That was one.

"Ring!" That was two.

"Ring!" That was three.


"Hey Lydia, what's going on?" She took a quick breath of relief as she heard the Sheriffs soft but gruff voice on the other end of the phone. But that feeling of relief was short lived. She remembered the pressing matter at hand. She had to tell him that he was slowly, but surely loosing his only son. Lydia tried to think of a good way to start the conversation but before she could begin the Sheriff spoke up, "Lydia, is this about Stiles?" Hearing his name was like daggers piercing her heart. She couldn't stand to hear his name, not now anyway.

Lydia took a deep breath as she twirled her hair nervously and leaned against the counter in front of her. She began to speak slowly trying to remain calm. "Yeah, it's about Stiles..." Lydia tried to sound optimistic but just sounded wrong. She took a deep breath and began to speak once more,"We went through with the plan..."

"The one to go into his mind right?" The Sheriff inquired. His voice was steady but she knew he was preparing for the worst.

She sighed once more before continuing, "Yes...but-" she didn't even finish before the Sheriff spoke up once more.

"But what?" His voice sounded serious and she could only picture his face. She glanced back to Stiles' lifeless body that still held steady breathes.

She was unsure on how to word everything but began to speak anyway, "It didn't work..." those words lingered in the air for a long time. She could hear the Sheriffs steady breaths stop. The silence was more deafening than what any words could've been.

  The Sheriff took a deep breath as he spoke his voice was soft yet serious with concern. "What do you mean it didn't work?" He spoke as his heart pounded in his chest, he knew it wasn't Lydia's fault but he couldn't control his anger rising.

"The Nogitsune and Stiles are becoming one, by combining their subconscious." She spoke softly, getting more embarrassed with how out of touch it sounded.

"Did Stiles agree to that bastard?" The Sheriff cut her off as he spoke angrily through the phone. His voice was rising with every sentence.

Lydia waited a few seconds before speaking again. "That's the thing. Both Stiles and The Nogitsune said he agreed to it but we aren't sure if that's true." Lydia began to think back on her and Scott's little adventure to their friend's mind.

The Sheriffs voice quickly snapped her out of it. "What do you mean you're not sure?" The Sheriffs words harsh on the last two words. She could tell he was going to snap any minute now.

Lydia didn't know how to begin. She thought it through before ultimately beginning to speak, "After going through his bad memories..." She suddenly stopped being reminded of the first one that involved the Sheriff himself. But she decided it would be for the best if she didn't bring that up...especially now. She continued, "Me and Scott got to finally talk to Stiles...or so we thought. But in the last minutes it turned out to be The Nogitsune." The last sentence left a bad taste in Lydia's mouth as she waisted for the Sheriff to say something.

"Lydia, my own son agreed to that thing and now they're supposedly going to become one,'re not actually sure if that was Stiles?" He remained as calm as he could as he spoke. His hand tapped his steering wheel angrily.

"Well yeah but-" She spoke nervously for once this whole call. She needed to get through to him but whenever she tried, she was cut off once again.

"No! I'm coming down there...for my son." He said harshly as he sighed before Lydia heard that wretched sound.


He had hung up on her and she immediately knew that everything would go to crap when he got here. But deep down she knew that the Sheriff was trying to decide what's best for Stiles. The Sheriff was trying to approach it the best he could. She sighed as she fixed her posture from that draining phone call.

    Lydia walked out of the kitchen her high heels clicking with each step. "I just got off the phone with the Sheriff, he'll be here...soon." As she said the last sentence she sat down on the couch, furthest away from Stiles shell of a body. She could feel everybody's stares from all across the room. Lydia saw Kira's curious glances but when she met eyes with Scott she just glared at him and looked away. She was still mad about the way he had acted earlier.

But suddenly everyone's stares looked away from her and instead locked onto somebody else... Stiles. As his hand began to twitch everyone knew...the Kanima venom was wearing off fast.

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