Chapter 41: Moving Forward

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           I saw him sitting at a table, because after all, he stuck out like a sore thumb. He was the guy in the police uniform in a coffee shop full of college students. I waved at him and at least three women visibly rolled their eyes, sad to see he wasn't alone. But they had to deal, because for once, Aaron and I had a date. Not a real date, since I was still focusing on school. But for whatever reason, he'd called and set up an actual meetup. No stolen kisses at a family get together, or lengthy conversations before Sunday night dinner while I folded my skinny jeans. We were in public, together. I sat down and smiled.

"You look nice," he said, grinning.

I glanced down at my jeans and blouse, feeling too casual. But I guess he liked me in any form, thanks to some miracle.

 "So do you," I said. "A little too good in the uniform, to be honest. I'm scared that girl over there is going beat me up later."

A brunette with a high bun and glasses was eying us, and Aaron laughed.

"The uniform has an effect on women," Aaron chuckled. "I have a buddy at the precinct, and I love him, but he's got a face only a mother could love. But he constantly has women throwing themselves at him."

"I bet," I laughed. "So, how are things?"

"Good," he said. "Pretty good. How is school going?"

"Busy," I said. "I am finishing up my abnormal psychology class soon. It's sort of my favorite. I think I might go into profiling, possibly."

"The only work for criminal profiling is with the FBI," he said. "That's a competitive field."

             "I might have an in," I said, sighing.

I hadn't told him I applied for the FBI fellowship, because it was a long shot. If I to accepted, I'd transfer to Georgetown and live in Washington, DC. There was no use complicated my already confusing relationship with Aaron over something that may or may not happen.

"So, your mother came to see me at work the other day."

My mind switched gears, and I perked up.

"Why?" I asked. "Did she bring you cookies or something?"

"She knows about us, I think. Well, I know she does. Your mom confronted me, and I kind of told her I was in love with you."

"Oh god," I replied. "What did she say?"

"That she supports us, but I need to tell your father. Joel doesn't handle secrets well."

"But there is no secret," I said. "We're technically just friends."

"Well, maybe," Aaron replied. "That's why I can bring it up now. I'll tell him how I feel, and then I will ask for his permission. That way, whenever you're ready to be with me, we can."

"Well, that makes sense," I nodded. "Get the blessing before you actually need it."         

             "But here's the thing," Aaron said. "If I am going to risk your father murdering me, I need more from you."

"Aaron, you're already a distraction for me. School is non-stop, constantly taking up my time."

"I get it," Aaron said. "I'm working overtime right now, always on the clock. At night, I've been studying for the detective exam. I can't even take it for a year, but there's a lot to learn. We're both busy, Beth."

"So we agree, now is not a good time to date," I said.

"Beth, we'll always be busy. First, it's college. Then, you'll go to grad school and I'll be a detective. After that, maybe you'll work for the FBI or somewhere else. It's never a good time Beth. I don't want to lose you."

"I just... I am so young. So are you, Aaron. Relationships take sacrifices, and I can't make any yet. I have dreams I'm not willing to sacrifice."

          "Ok, and I'd never ask you to," Aaron said, his eyes serious. "I don't need much. I just want one thing from you if I get your dad's blessing."

"OK, I am listening."

"I want a date, Beth. A real first date, with candlelit dinner and I'll wear a tie. Then we can get to know each other, even though we already do. Then if it feels right, we'll have a second. We'll go so slow that turtles will mock us, but I want to move forward. I don't want to keep pretending I'm not in love with you."

"A date," I said. "A first date. Jesus, I thought you were going to propose or something."

"No," Aaron said. "Don't worry. I don't want to get married until I'm thirty, at least."

"Well, me neither," I laughed.

Our eyes met and I felt a shiver go up my spine. A first date with Aaron. God, this man knew all of my secrets. What kind of first date could we even have? What could it hurt?

               I almost consider bringing up my plan to move to D.C. if I got the fellowship, but let it go. My phone was ringing, and it was my mother.

"Speaking of the meddler," I said. "It's my mom."

I answered and heard my mom shout something.


"The baby is coming!" Mom shouted. "Emali is dilated seven inches. You're going to be an aunt."

"Oh my god, amazing! I will drive over to the hospital...wait. My car is in the shop."

"Why don't you have a car?"

"I am getting routine maintenance done," I said. "I needed new tires, and they said it would take all day..."

"Can you get a ride?" Mom asked.Aaron smiled at me and I knew he'd be willing.

"Yeah, but you're not going to like it," I said. "I'm with Aaron, and he can take me."

"You're not naked, are you?"

"Oh god, mother. Just because you and dad are gross doesn't mean I can't control myself. Aaron and I are just friends...for now. He's going to ask for Dad's blessing, soon, actually."

            "Well, do it after the baby comes," Mom said. "And get down here. Oh, and pick up some food. I am starving."

"Yes mother," I said. I looked at Aaron and grinned. "Are you sure you want to date me?"

"Yes," he said, not hesitating.

 "Well, then I have a favor to ask," I said. "Want to go meet the newest Mcnarie?"

"Let's go," he said. "I'll drive with sirens on. We'll get there faster."

"I love dating a cop," I said. "Not that we're dating, of course."

"Yet," he muttered to himself.

 And a part of me couldn't help but agree. It was time to move forward. First we just had to do the impossible, and convince my dad it was a good idea.

(((Sorry for the lack of updates. I'll try to be better, but I can't make promises. I've got some health issues and it makes it hard to write. but I do hope to finish this story soon.  If you're still reading, I am ever so grateful. thanks. )))

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