Yan!Red Mungus x Crew!Reader-They're MY crewmate

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Suggested by: TheSleepyCat13

Sorry if it's a little wacky, I was probably sick when writing this...(hour-later edit: I am, no one knows though)


You had been quietly resting in the cargo bay of the airship, overlooking your task list. One task is across the entire map; Armory, download data. Red Mungus walks in, looking oddly cheerful walking up to you, which had left you a little more concerned.

"Hello, (Y/N)!" he greeted you while you merely waved back. You tell him you're heading to the armory as you raise to your feet, your (F/C) suit glistening in the room's dim lighting.

He follows you to your task before the lights cut off, then he runs off and someone screaming follows from the records-lounge fragment of the room. You panic, noticing he's gone.

"R-Red Mungus..?" you call out, but no response. The hall was dead quiet. Suddenly, you step into something and footsteps follow. You break into a sprint, shining your flashlight back, only to see it was nothing, until...

"Oh, (Y/N)...there's no need to run..."

You knew the two of you were great friends, and your pace got quicker while you thought it was a shapeshifter. Little did you know it was still him in the shadows.

You suddenly trip, missing a step on your way down into the engines, but before you can react, you surroundings go black...


You wake up, but not in the airship. Someone walks into the room, looking back at someone else. "They're MY crewmate!" they yell back at them, but you recognize who's walking in. Red Mungus. "Oh, come on..." You mutter, staying as still as a rock. "Ah, you're awake..." He spoke, approaching, extending a hand to you.

"This is going to be a long time with me, my dear (Y/N)..."


(Dying noises) I'm alright, just a minor cold.

Okay, maybe I'm not...

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