Chapter Two

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Having the job at the restaurant was challenging. I spent more time than I did at the restaurant than I did with my wife. The financial stress of it all had my head pounding and the migraine in my brain worsen. I took a deep breath and just of thought of Emma and how she needs me to pull through and not give up. It was Saturday morning and right now we were serving breakfast, it's not as lively as it is when it's night and we're serving dinner but the workload for the morning was light. My eyelids were heavy and I yawned as I was in the mirror in the bathroom trying to get myself together.

I exited out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. Like always the chefs were cooking breakfast as the hot smoke invaded the kitchen. "Wiliams table 13 is ready." My boss yells at me. I sigh taking a deep breath and go back out there. Today is warm sunny day and the restaurant isn't that crowded.

I make my way to table 13 and again I stop in my tracks because even though I have been busy with the restaurant and life has been kicking my ass, I still couldn't get the girl out of my head. The one whose attitude has had me in a chokehold. I clear my throat and put on my professional demeanor. "Good morning. What can I get for you today?" I ask.

She looks up at me, and there's a slight grin on her face. "First, I want to apologize for my attitude the other day. I was out of line," she says, her tone sincere.

I'm taken aback by her apology, but I keep my cool. "Honestly, I don't even remember," I say with a warm smile, trying to put her at ease.

She opens her mouth to say something else, but I'm suddenly called to another table. "Duty calls," I say with a shrug, excusing myself.

Later that evening, I find myself outside in the alley, taking a break and smoking a cigarette. I know Emma wants me to quit, but the stress is just too much. As I take a drag, the back door opens, and to my surprise, it's Lavender, looking as stunning as ever. I quickly shake off the thought—after all, I'm married.

She approaches me confidently. "Do you cater?" she asks.

"No," I reply, a bit confused.

"Well, you should start. I have a job for you. My birthday party is this Saturday, and I want you to cater for it," she explains.

A job? My mind races with the possibilities. "How much?" I ask, trying to sound nonchalant.

"A quick $3,000. Nothing much, really," she says casually.

I'm shocked. That kind of money could cover the rent and medical bills, and then some. "Okay, I'll take it," I say, trying to hide my desperation.

As we talk, Lavender stands close to me. I can see her breath in the cool air, and I realize my heart is racing. "Great. The address is 5600 Wonder Lane. The party starts at 8:00, but get there around 7:00," she instructs, grinning slightly as she backs away.

I nod, watching her walk away. As she disappears into the night, I take one last drag of my cigarette and stub it out on the ground. "Shit," I mutter to myself, wondering why this girl has such an effect on me.

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