Chapter Three

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One thing about rich people is that they always went all out, whether it was an event or a birthday party. They always went all out.

Since I was catering I had to get the restaurants van and my coworkers and I loaded up the food and headed our way to the address that the girl had told me.

As we got closer, my eyes nearly popped out of my head. The mansion in front of us was huge, lit up like a Christmas tree. Rich people were everywhere, getting out of their fancy cars in fancy clothes. It was like something out of a movie.

We parked at the back of the mansion, and my coworkers and I started unloading the food. There were trays of fancy dishes that smelled amazing. We carried everything inside, trying not to drop anything.

Inside, the place was decked out. Red balloons floated around, and there was a big banner that said "Happy Birthday Lavender." So that was her name, the girl who had been on my mind.

We set up the food on a long table, surrounded by desserts that looked too pretty to eat. The guests, all dressed in black, were already having a good time, laughing and talking. I noticed red glitter scattered all over the floor and a red carpet leading up a grand staircase.

The party was in full swing, and I started serving food, putting on a fake smile as I walked around. My black suit and tie felt cheap compared to what everyone else was wearing, and I could tell they looked down on me as they took the food from my hands.

Then, out of nowhere, the music stopped, and everyone went quiet. Everyone's eyes were on the staircase. I turned around, curious, and my heart skipped a beat. There she was, Lavender, coming down the stairs in a stunning red lace dress. Her hair was loose, her blue eyes were lined with eyeliner, and her lips were a bold red.

Everyone in the room was captivated by her. She was handed a glass of champagne by a servant and raised it high.

"I want to make a toast for everyone coming tonight," she said, her voice full of excitement. "And I want to make a toast because today is the day where I turn 19."

The crowd cheered, shouting "Happy birthday!" Lavender went on, "And most of all, I want to thank my dad for making this all happen." Everyone turned to an older man in an expensive black and white suit, his grey beard and blue eyes standing out.

"And last but not least, I want to thank my fiancé, Kyle, for sticking by me through thick and thin," Lavender added, her voice echoing through the room.

I stood there, shocked and silent. She was engaged? I looked at Lavender, and she was looking right back at me, her eyes shining with a fiery look as everyone clapped and congratulated him.

"Cheers," Lavender said softly, taking a sip of her champagne, her eyes still on me with a look of sinful innocence

Chapter is short next one will be longer promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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