Chapter Five

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Curled up under the covers, the pillowcase soaked with sweat and tears, the last few weeks has been hell, its like as if all the memories resurfaced from what she went through with Tom, the way she felt, how small she felt. The lean fingers wipes the tears of her face. Turning on her back and staring at the ceiling, watching the shadows of the trees dancing in the moonlight. It's full moon, again, she always found, the darkness so refreshing especially when the moon is shining, like there's a little glimpse of hope, of restoration, of strength. In the distance you can hear the howling of a wolf or pack of wolves.

Scoffing as she recalls the last words Derek spoke "I'm a werewolf" she looked him, and shook her head in disbelief as she gave him a once over, examining the illumination of his eyes, the extra wolf like features on his already perfectly handsome face, his calloused hands turning into claws, and his teeth turning into fangs. It scared the hell out off her. As she remembered the reason behind her lying in the hospital. When he said "Say something please Maddie" all she could do is say "leave now". In all damn honesty, her heart couldn't hold it anymore, it was somewhere between terrified and intrigued. It was caught up in the magic of this mystical creature, human, whatever you call it half wolf, half human, but also in the violence of this supernatural being.

The thing that took her really by surprise, was the distraught look on his face, and the sadness in his eyes. And the way she felt when he walked out of her hospital room, unsafe, and heartbroken, why she just couldn't quite figure it out just yet.

 She hasn't spoke to him since, but she and Melissa has gotten really good friends, she's a nosy one but, she's just really caring, and she eventually opened up towards her, telling her about how her marriage was, and she just listened, held her closed when she bawled her eyes out, it felt good getting it off her chest.  Sighing as she rolls over too her side, thinking maybe she should try to get some sleep again, after the nightmare she had, she closes her eyes, and as she drifted off too sleep, the alarm went off,.  Pushing down the snooze button, she can do with five more minutes, that's all, just five more, then she'll be ready for the day. Her heavy eyes closed, and she drifted off too sleep.

"Oh come on dad, can you just help me practice please" he pleaded

Derek smiled, he just simply loved spending time with his son. "Sure son" he said, while running his hand playfully in his son's hair. They both laughed, while practicing lacrosse. As they were laughing and having a good time, Eli, accidentally hit the ball a little too hard, it went straight across the road, they both squinted as they hear the shatter of the glass window. Sharing a concerned glance they both ran over to Madison's house. Derek sighed as he recalled the events that led up to them not talking. 

Seeing the ball went through the living room window, they knocked on the front door, "I'll handle this okay son" Eli just nodded his head, as he ain't really sure what happened between his dad and Miss Well.

Madison opened the door, her hair is hanging loosely around her shoulders, revealing that she just woke, by the sleepiness in her voice, "Morning" she smiled

"Morning, we are so sorry about the window, we will fix it, I promise" 

"Really it's not a problem, accidents happen, I mean, it did scare the crap out off me, but its really not that bad" she let out a little laugh

Derek's eyes roamed over her, as she smiled, thankful that she's not as angry and shocked as she initially was. His voice smoky "Oh, sorry about scaring, seems like I tend to do that sometimes" he starts to laugh, and she joins in on the laughter. 

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that, sorry I first needed to process everything, want coffee?" 

Surprised "Yeah that will be delicious, thank you" turning around to face Eli, but Eli, ran back home, screaming something in the distance about meeting up with friends. "It looks like its just coffee for two"

Smiling "Looks like it," as she walks into the kitchen she pulls her hair straight, so that she doesn't look like a mess. "How do you take your coffee?, wait does werewolves even drink coffee?"

He can't help but to laugh, "Yes we do, we do everything that normal human beings do, we just have certain skill sets, that makes us unique"

Smirking, "Well no kidding"

"Oh I take it black, just black" he rubs his hand at the back of his neck

"Oh great, want rusks or something to eat?"

"No, just coffee is perfect thank you, by the way, I'm really sorry about what happened in the hospital,"

Handing him his coffee, "No, please don't apologize, I'm the one who is supposed to say sorry, I was just so surprised, to hear it from you, I mean don't get me wrong, I have walked in the school hallways, and heard about chatter from supernatural beings, but I thought it was just kids, having fun, telling scary stories to each other."

Smiling "I don't think I've ever heard you talk so much, since I met you"

 A rosy color creping on her cheeks "Sorry, I tend to ramble when I'm excited or embarrassed or nervous , and its safe to say , I'm a little of all three now"

The more, he gets to know, her the deeper his falling for her and he knows it all to well, "Never apologize for just being yourself"

"I'm getting to know myself for the first time in a long time"  her fingers swirling the rim of the coffee mug, "sorry I don't know why I just told you that"

Covering her hand in his, "Stop saying sorry about everything Maddie, please, around me, just be yourself, there aren't no judgment here"

Surprised about how safe she feels in his presence and how, just the mere touch of his hands is making her heart flutter, she just manages to let out a barely audible "thank you"

For a while they just sit in silence, watching every little detail of each other, face, searching to see if the feeling is mutual. Madison gets up, taking the empty mugs and placing it in the kitchen sink. Derek gets up, unsure of what to do, he asks "Can I help you clean up, the broken glass?"

Turning to face the man towering over her, "Uhmm, no, no it's fine, I'll do it later, thank you for the chat , it was really nice and once again, sorry I..."

Before she could finish the sentence he leans in, placing a gentle, soft kiss on her lips, he pulls away, searching her eyes, before pulling her close to him, and devouring her lips. His voice hoarse as he begun to speak after breaking the kiss, "I... Uhm, sorry," he clears his throat, "No actually I'm not, I think I could be falling in love with you Miss, Madison Wells"

Stunned and still trying to catch her breathe, she looks at him, trying to stop feeling the way she feels her voice brittle, "Derek, I.. I can't" his face saddens and she takes ahold of his hands, "I feel exactly the same about you, but"    

Confusing evident in his smoky voice "but what?"

"I can't go down this road again, what if" biting her bottom lip

He smirks, "What if? What I hurt,? You think I'm going to hurt you because I'm a werewolf?

A stray tear running over her cheek "No, not a werewolf, a man"

"What?" he looks at her, the tears staining her cheeks, makes it clear that she went through something with her previous relationship, he thumbs away the tears, snaking his arms, around her waist, he pulls her into his muscular chest, whispering "I'll never hurt you, sweetheart, and never will I let anything happen to you, you have my word"

Finding comfort in his arms, and words she just stood there, in the solace of feeling safe, feeling at peace, in the arms of a born predator. Almost getting lost in the sound of his heartbeat, well that was until her front door flung open, and she heard the voice she feared the most...

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