Chapter Six

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Her hazel brown eyes widened, her voice shaky "T...Tom?" Derek stood there, his hands still on her hips, he didn't even need his heightened sense, to know this guy is a... he bit his lower lip, letting out a slight growl. Madison didn't even take notice, he could see the fear written all over her beautiful face. Maybe it was instinct but he immediately led her to stand behind him, his jaw clenching, "Can we help you?"

The slick looking guy came walking towards them, he had this mocking sound in his voice, "Oh did you get yourself a bodyguard Maddie?"

Derick let out a muffled growl, clenching and unclenching his fist's trying to not turn into a werewolf, he hated this guy already. "No! I'm her boyfriend"

Tom laughed, "Ha! Please you get out of here buddy, I'm her husband"

Derek felt a stab at his heart, turning to look Maddie in the eyes, almost whispering "Your married?"

She shook her head, her voice brittle " I filed for divorce, but he wouldn't sign the papers"

Tom came closer towards Derick, tapping him on his shoulder "listen here buddy..." before he could finish his sentence Derick's palm meet his chest, picking him up by the shirt, Tom is being lifted in the air, Derek's voice is deeper than normal "listen to me, Get the hell out of Madison's house, and if I see you come near her again" now sounding more like a growl "I'll rip your throat out with my teeth" and with one movement he threw the man on the floor close to the door.

Tom grunted in pain, that man didn't look so strong, how the hell did he manage to pick him up and throw him like a damn paperweight through the air? He got up, in a barely audible voice "I'll be back for you Maddie"

Derek turned towards Madison, his voice low and calm when he talked to her, he had a very good idea what happened, but he had to ask "Did your husband abuse you?" The way she looked at him broke his heart, like she remembered every slap, every fist, every kick, every beating he'd ever given her. She started to cry, feeling weak and helpless, her body shaking, her voice breaking "H...he was, no one knew"

He didn't really say anything, he took her trembling body into his arms, her head resting against his muscular çhest, his fingers brushing her long hair, he places a kiss on the top of her head, a faint whisper rolled over his lips "I'm so sorry" in that moment she found solace, a sense of comfort, she never felt, she didn't utter a single word, she just stood there in his embrace.

It's been two weeks since Tom showed up, but he hasn't visited Maddie's house again as a matter of fact, it's like he disappeared not that it bothered her, but the unknown made her a little anxious, but in the days passed, the bond between Derek and her grew. That's what she's busy with right now, making a special dinner, just to thank him for everything, she's really fallen in love with him, with a supernatural being, did it make sense? No. But when does love make sense?

Placing candles on the table, the whole scene looked romantic, all that was needed was for her to get dressed into something other than these food stained clothes. Checking the clock on the wall, she has an hour left before he comes, quickly runs into the bathroom, running a cherry blossom bubble bath. Finally with only five minutes to spare she's done, her dark hair hanging loosely, framing her face, a blue summer's dress hugging her curves perfectly, the scent lingering in the air was the cherry blossom from earlier. Somehow she felt nervous, and excited at the same time. Walking up and down checking herself, over and over in the mirror, she felt like a teenager in love, with the most handsome guy.

He stood there checking his hair, in the window, breathing into his hands, just too check if his breath is as minty as the taste in his mouth, somehow he felt nervous, they are still getting to know each other, but he can't remember the last time he felt this way, so with one last check in the window, his calloused hands runs through his hair. He knocks on the door, his heart beating out of his chest, and as she opens the door, looking at her in that blue summer's dress, she takes his breath away, smiling at her, his voice coming out a little husky "Hello Maddie?" the way she smiled when she said, "welcome, come in" he hands her a single red rose, taking it from him, she smells the velvety flower, "thank you" giving him a small kiss on the cheek while standing on her tippy toes.

Her scent, filled his nostrils, cherry blossom and coconut he thinks, she walks into the living room, talking about something, but he couldn't really focus, he's eyes lingered on her perfect body, from her beautiful long hair, the hem of the dress as it covers her legs, and then her barefoot walking on the white tile floor, her calling him "Derek are you coming?" made him shift out of the trans, closing the door behind him, he walked towards the kitchen. "Sorry, what did you say?" she smiled at him, shaking her head "white or red?" Tilting his head slightly "what?" she laughs and it sounds heavenly "the wine, which one do you want?" He snickers a little "Oh" rubbing the back of his neck, "red, thank you" he takes in the view, the effort she's done, everything looks so perfect, so romantic. "You went through all this trouble, it wasn't necessary" handing him his wine, smiling a little shyly "I... I wanted to make it special." taking a sip of her wine.

His eyes darted by the way her lips, touch the rim of her wine glass, and without hesitation he strides closer, taking the wine glass out of her hand placing it down with his, on the countertop, his hands cups her face, her brown eyes glistening, and without warning, his lips crashes against hers, he could taste the wine on her lips, with some sort of lip balm. She moaned softly, and that's when his tongue grazed her bottom lip, seeking entry, she parted her soft lips, and it didn't take long for their tongues to do a passionate dance. Her palms was resting against his muscular chest, and as his hand got tangled in her hair, as he pulled her closer, her hands roamed up towards his neck, her fingernails slighting grazing his skin, which in return sent shivers down his spine, he lets out a slight growl. Without breaking the passionate kiss, his hands trace her curves till he's at the back of her thighs, picking her up swiftly, placing her down on the kitchen countertop, he deepened the kiss, it didn't take her long, she wrapped her legs around his waist, soft moans, falling against his lips, and, was it a beautiful sound. He pulled back coming up for air, after a few seconds she opened her eyes as well, looking into his green orbs, slowly gathering her breath, he looked at her, his voice hoarse from the passionate kiss "damn your beautiful" covering her face with her hands, too hide how flustered she is, sounding more breathy than intended "t...thank you" his hands peeled hers off her gorgeous face, "don't hide from me, you are gorgeous" sounding husky.But before she could reply, his lips met hers in yet another endearing kiss, the passion and heat coursed through their bodies, hands roaming over the contours of their bodies, Once again he broke the kiss, only too look into her eyes, as if asking if she wanted it too, smiling shyly and nodding, he placed another kiss on her lips, wrapping his arms around her small frame, picking her up, and without breaking the kiss, he carried her too the bedroom, gently placing her on the bed, sharing a look of pure passion, ready to explore depths of each other, making their connection deeper. In that moment nothing else mattered, only the two of them, and the shadows dancing on the wall in heated passion, the soft glow of the moon shining in, making this night even more blissful...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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