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As her mother's reflection disappeared, leaving only her own as she continued to stare into the mirror. She clenched her hands into a fist and bit her bottom lip lightly, what just happened. What was her mother doing here and what did she mean by only hope? She could care less about this place. She wanted to go home and that's what she was going to do. Falice began running the bath, got undressed and went inside. The feeling of the semi-warm water made her feel relaxed but it didn't help her thoughts. After she got dried up and dressed again, she changed into the white floral dress she had when she first got here. She'll have to clean those clothes later as it was her only outfit she had besides the one she used for the ball, which she most certainly wasn't going to wear it again. Although she tried to keep her mind set on her goal, getting out of here- her mind kept drifting to what her mother said. And what did she mean by blessed exactly? Was she referring to what ever had been happening to her since the ball. How was that a blessing, she couldn't control it nor she did even know what it was to begin with. Heck, she didn't even want it in the first place.

She took a deep breath, slowly releasing it and sighed. Falice placed her hand on the handle and was about to open the door when she froze. That woman in her dream- and her mother, it couldn't be, they couldn't be the same person. She stared at the door handle and her thoughts wandered until lunars voice snapped her out of it. "Are done in there blue? It's been like 30 minutes already!" Lunar yelled, which was very loud due to the fact the bathroom was closed to where lunar was. Falice opened the door and glanced at lunar, who raised her eyebrow in curiosity but didn't question anything as she walked passed falice when she entered the bathroom.

Falice went back to her room and sat on the she of her bed, staring at the ground when she noticed the key. She got off the bed and went to pick it up, glancing at the wonderland book that was glowing it's blue light once again. Falice took the book in her hands and saw a keyhole- which would fit the key perfectly. And it wasn't there before, she shrugging it off too eager to know what was inside or whatever was going to happen. She inserted the key and the blue light shone brighter before it vanished. Falice set the book onto the bed and looked inside. She took  out an old photo, observing it closing to see her mother and a few other people she didn't recognize. Flipping it around, she saw a few names written in her mothers handwriting as well as someone elses. 'Lucas Winters, Helene (Aubrey) hearts, Kalous Wallace, 'Hatter', Allison Page, Charlotte Cheshire - 34/02/**'

Falice flipped to see the image again, Now staring at her mother and lucas who were laughing together at the rounded table that likely 'Hatter' had set. Then she remembered, Lucas was with her mother in her dream- it felt a bit weird knowing and admitting that her mother had been here in wonderland once before. "Would that mean-?" She said to herself, just then Lunar popped her head in by the doorway. Glancing at the photo falice was holding and then at Falice, she moved closer to see what falice was looking at and her eyes widened slightly. "Where'd you get"  Lunar asked, startling Falice who turned around at the sudden sound of lunars voice  as she saw her staring at the photo she was holding. Looking at the photo herself again.  "Do you want to see it-"

Before she knew it, the photo was out of her hand in a second. She scoffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "Rude." Falice didn't even need to see lunar's face to know that she rolled her eyes at her comment. After a few seconds, falice turned around and looked at the photo again. Lunar was just plainly staring at the photo- that was now in her hands. "34 February..." She glanced through the names, "..34 February- What happened on that day exactly.." Lunar muttered to herself, not knowing herself what she had meant. But something in her knew something about that day, that date felt familiar somehow. And not in a good way.

Falice looked at lunar in pure confusion, "um what do you mean by that?" She asked, lunars gaze meeting her own, lunar put on a weak smile as she quickly glanced at the photo then at Falice again. "It's nothing.." Replied lunar, which only grew falice's suspicion and curiosity. Just as she was about to question her, the front door swinged open loudly. That the two swore that door broke, they looked at each other then made their way to see who or what just broke or not broke the door.

"I'm back!!"



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