the date

10 1 0

Miura Ayme ended up taking the yellow Bugatti and he fell in love with it the second that he saw it, and he got the bugatti, while he was taking his Bugatti out, he decided to do something with it, they decided to grab something to eat, he ended up taking it out on a date to McDonald's, and he ordered a lot of food for Bugatti and him, but he ended up just stealing all all the food for the Bugatti, and him. And, the McDonald's ended up going bankrupt from not being able to make enough money. And, miura Ayme ended up trying to feed the love of his life all the McDonalds by shoving all the food in the engine, and the Bugatti ended up getting set on fire, and exploding. Miura Ayme was very sad, and he cried.

Muira atme x Bugatti x asmodesWhere stories live. Discover now