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1: 48 PM BROOKLYN , new york.


YOU LOOK GOOD. ❜ I said lookin into her eyes, I like the way she carries herself. " Thank you, you too. " she said looking down into her lap, I smiled at her before I started up the car & pulled out her driveway. " I missed you, beautiful. " I left one of my hands off the wheel to rest my other on the stick, I saw her look at my from the corner of my eye, which made me smile. " I missed you too, Kyle. " I saw her cock her eyebrow, making me look in her direction & she looks away.

" Wassup? " I asked her, making her shake her head, as if it wasn't nothing. " It's nothing. " there she go, same answer as always " It's sum, but if youn wanna tell me right now I gotchu. " I said to her & she nodded her head & looked up as I pulled into the drive-thru which made me laugh " Get whatchu want. " I told her and she lit up, sheon play bout her food.

" Can I .. ? " she spoke, pointing to my window & unbuckling her seatbelt which made me lean back " Cmon. " I watched her as she placed her knees on the arm rest & her arms on the slid down window. My eyes ran from her legs all the way back to her face, I moved my hands to her legs, rubbing on them before I slid them onto her ass, slipping one of my fingers into her skims.


2: 05 PM BROOKLYN , new York.


I REST MY arms on the open window, starting to order " Can I get a 16 piece with cheesy fries & ranch? " I say & flinching a bit when I feel a hand on my leg, sliding up to my ass along with a finger slipping into my skims shorts. I look back to make eye contact with Kyle, I stare at him for a while before jumping slightly when I finally here the girl on the other end speak " Hello? Yea, regular or boneless? " she asked & I reply " Regular, spicy Korean BBQ. " I move Kyle's hand and ease back into my seat.

He pulls up to the window & pays for me, I look over at him, he looks back & smiles at me. " You want some .. ? " I ask as the silence was getting awkward, he shook his head & I nodded before opening my box and ranch " Why'd you do that? " I asked him, not that I had a problem with it, he can control this all the way for real. " Couldn't help myself. " he said " Mhm, a man with no self control. " I laugh as I put my fries into the ranch & eat it " How i'm posed to when you put it right in front of me? " he laughs & I smiled.

He pulls over into the parking lot of the mall & turns the tint on, looking over at me as I eat " We can go in when ya done. " he says & I nod my head, I shut the box of my food, putting it into the bag before turning my head to see Kyle leaned in, he gets a hold of my neck & starts kissing me. He takes the bag out of my hand, putting it in the backseat & climbs over on top of me, pulling away to look down at me & smile as I breathe heavily.

I FEEL , his arm wrap around my waist as it rolls with my hips, I look down at him & he leans into my chest, kissing on it before looking back up at me " You doin good, just take ya time. " He speaks, which sends shivers down my spine. His voice is raspy but calming, it's so stuffy in this car I can't concentrate.  He leans back a bit and puts both his hands onto my hips, breathing heavily as he watched his dick move in & out of me. I hope he don't start actin weird after this, I flinch when I feel him place a hard slap on my ass " Focus on me. " He says lowly, letting out a groan when I tighten around him after he slaps on me.

" You like that shi? " he asks me, laughing which makes me lower my face into his neck, allowing him to take control of my body. He grips onto my hips & starts bringing them up & down onto his dick, making my moans get louder. With each stroke his tip brushes against my g-spot, I want him to go deeper. " Deeper .. " I whisper into his ear before I begin to kiss on his neck which makes him start raising his hips when he pushes mine down, making me let out a scream like moan & quickly move my other hand to my mouth.

He drops the seat back, giving himself more freedom to move at whatever pace. I place my hands on his chest as I throw my head back as the pace of his hips speed up with each thrust, I put one of my hands on the roof to stop my head from hitting it. As he thrusts up into me my hand pushes me back down, allowing his dick to go deeper inside of me. He begins to slow down & fully pulls out of me, putting me on the side of him as he gets out the seat " Turn around. " He tell me, I turn myself around & arch my back, breathing heavily as I lower my head into the seat, catching my breath.

I let out a gasp when I feel him slide his dick back into me, aggressively getting a hold of my hips & adjusts himself inside of me before he starts pounding into me. " Fuck .. Kyle slow downn. " I moan out as I move my hand to his hip, pushing him back a bit & whines when he grabs on my arm, resting it on my back " This whatchu wanted right? You gon take this shit. " He groans out, speeding up his pace.

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𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗨𝗣 ,   kyle richh.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora