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The wind blows across the savannah and I look at the animal I had recently hunted, a male wild boar that had been fighting a rival for the right to mate. I wiped my mouth and I could see the bloodstain on my hand.

"This reminds me of Gonzalo, of his transformation, of the night that everything changed for both of us." I thought as I looked at the stain on my hand.

"Murderer! You killed Pumba!" Tomás joked, while I let out another smile.

"Who is Pumba?" I asked, feeling like I had ruined the joke.

"Oh..Barbie, if there was electricity in the cave I'd show you the movie, I can't believe you haven't seen The Lion King. I'll see if I can at least find a magazine, although it's not the same as seeing the movie, he's a character, I won't say more so you can see for yourself." He explained cheerfully.

Tomás often made jokes that left me lost several times, which made me realize how disconnected I was from the human world, something that didn't happen with Amalia, although Tomás said Amalia had granny knowledge when it came to pop culture, I was much further behind regarding modern culture, there is much to learn.

I also liked that after a year and a couple months, Tomás was already much warmer and direct with me, it took time, but he trusted me more now, I hope he has forgiven me, or at least understood me, I can already feel like a member of the coven and not like a prisoner.

I wiped my hands and mouth in a river, the animals immediately moved away, and I tried to fix my hair a bit. A nomadic vampire, or semi-nomadic in our current case, doesn't usually dress glamorously, we don't have those luxuries. When there is no home or money, our clothes are usually "donations" from the humans I hunted, and many times adjustments had to be made when they weren't your size. Shoes were the worst, because they wore out very quickly, and I didn't like running barefoot or with torn clothes like Od, I tried to look my best with what I could take, the only reason I ended up hunting human females was to get their clothes, that's how I learned a bit about human fashion, it wasn't glamorous, but I did what I could.

Od was a mess, he always looked like a beggar and never cleaned the stains on his face or clothes. Arthur only did it to impress me, but in his final moments he looked more and more like Od in his style of dress.

"I see that writing has helped you a lot. You look much better," Amalia smiled at me.

"Thank you," I told her as I held my notebook and once again began to mark my thoughts on these pages.

After Klein's death and having resolved the issue with Arthur, I stopped visiting Gonzalo for a while and Od was keeping tabs on him for me. The last time I saw Gonzalo was precisely at the funeral of who had been his mentor, and it was the first time since my early days as a vampire that I had truly felt bad for a human, Gonzalo was devastated and my desire to continue with the plan was beginning to waver.

The first time I felt remorse for a human was during my first hunt with Od. My thirst was tremendous in my first months, and my victim had been a boy from a neighboring village who had come to me for food, since his parents had surely died or been taken by the Mongols. The boy hadn't even reached adolescence yet, I cried and hated myself for having committed such an act. From that moment on, Od only explained to me that it was normal, just as humans also feed on and hunt other animals. His words finally sank in after my newborn phase.

"Did you know she's going to have a baby?" Od told me.

I opened my eyes wide and looked at him. How did I not realize! Why did he have to make a baby with that woman! I felt like my plan was already falling apart and I incessantly punched the cave wall, making a bigger and bigger hole.

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