Author's Notes #1

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[Author's notes will be included in the final version of the story. They're kind of like in-between tidbits and facts that you'd sometimes see in Japanese manga and light novels.]

In part 1, I had come up will a silly simple idea to do a reincarnation isekai with of course, a duck! But trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B was the challenge. I know I could have just made him a duck and have the intro be a throwaway, but thought his being a duck as an accident would be much more comical.

You will notice from the beginning and as you continue to go onward, that there are details missing. Some missed explanations, because you only learn what our duck main character learns. And of course, he will acknowledge it and it will be a hindrance in some parts too. But the reason behind this is, I didn't want to do long exposition or info dumping the world building and basically improv-ed as I went a long. You learn about everything as our duck learns!☆

Duck Fact #1: Ducks need water for survival! No only do they need their daily intake of about a liter a day, they also need it for body condition and temperature regulation. The water keeps their eyes, bill, feet, and feathers maintained for good health.

[There will be bonus notes and other things in the physical version, this is just a preview for here.]

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