Part 5

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A few weeks later my dad's agent arranged a Zoom meeting.
"Hello Ryan" the agent said. I was listening from the couch as my dad sat a few metres away on the desk.
As they talked a sound went off. The sound proved that another person had joined the call. I was fighting the urge to run over a see. Yes I am really nosey and like to know everything about everyone, even their secrets. I now placed my phone down and turned to look at my dad. I wanted to know what was going on with his newest movie.
That is when his agent spoke again," Ryan the person who will be playing the role of younger you is Walker Scobell!" My dad answered and continued a conversation with him the second I heard Walkers voice my heart sped up again. Why? I don't even know him. Yet I want to know every detail about him. I want to know how he ties his shoe laces, is it the left lace over the right. Or right over the left? Two loops and tied together. Or one loop pulled through the other? And why have I sat and questioned how my dad's co star ties his shoes?

As I snapped out of my thoughts my dad was talking with his Agent and Walker still.
"Where will we be filming?"
"Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada" he answered, he sounded like he immediately memorised the Google search.
"Does that mean my daughter and son can come visit me on set?"
I sat up straight at this. I started begging the universe they would say yes so I can obviously see my father...but mostly to meet Walker again and become his friend.

(Quick Walker pov)
As the words left Ryan's mouth, I hoped that his agent would say that it was possible for them to visit. I would love to meet Aoife again. She seamed to kind and sweet and over all amazing.
"Yes your children can obviously come visit you on set."
With those words my cheeks became a light pink. I couldn't wait to meet her again!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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