W.I.P title

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P.O.V Helios le chien
It's around 12:00 at night and I'm sneaking into the chapel. In all honesty I'm risking a lot sneaking into here. But this isn't without cost the Priest is starting to become a tyrant and we can't allow this. And the only person that can help us has been locked up here for about twelve years now.

My issue is I have no fucking clue if he will help us. He was locked up for assisting our "God" admitting that every single person he killed was for our "God." But my only hope is the fact he and the priest hate each other. That might be the only reason he agrees to help. It's told that he had voodoo like powers as well. Honestly magic is not anything special here neither is having tails or ears. Or having the ability to become full animal either.

So I guess all I can do is pray he agrees to this honestly. Cause I ain't nothing special no one will notice if he kills me the moment I let him out. Well maybe not no one but still not enough people that it matters. After all this world runs on  is three things money, power, and influence that's all that matters now and days.

But still the closer to his cell and deeper I go into this chapel the more I'm risking. Just for a chance to have someone have someone save us from that tyrant of a priest. Cause it can all be for nothing and the person doesn't help us or I get caught. But I don't want to think about those thoughts they won't help me now will they so I will look on the light side of things. I haven't been caught yet and I'm almost to the cell door.

I can practically see it sitting there I just got to get to it first. And that's the first step done of this risky task of mine. This person was locked up by the priest three years before I came into town or so I been told. I have heard a thing or two about him from stories of him from those who followed him. He loved to have and cause mischief and fun he believed in the same "God" as the priest. But he and the priest never really liked each others methods of telling the good word of their "God." This guy liked to make songs and put on plays and anything that was entertaining. While the priest liked everyone to come to the chapel and prey and listen to him speak. These two fought tooth and nail with each other on their ways of telling the good word. Till the priest won and locked the him up.

Honestly I have no clue what he might actually be like. Cause there's so many stories about him that tell me so many different things. Some stories say he's a hero who killed and was locked away for nothing. Others that he was a psychotic killer who killed for his "God" with voodoo like powers. I heard he was cunning, sly , mischievous, and many many other things. But again stories and descriptions about this guy are all other the place. So I guess I will find out myself soon when I try to get him to help me. Cause I'm almost at the door.

The closer I am the more worried I get that I will be caught by the priest. And be thrown in the cell right along with the guy. And trust me I don't want that to happen cause that will help nothing. But again I don't want to think negatively I am almost to the door and the first part of this task over. So let's take it one step at a time and worry later when the time comes.

So with step by step I get closer and closer to the door till I arrive at the door. The door is an old one clearly honestly for twelve years of age it still looks great and new. But their probably doing that so they can keep him inside the cell. Although it really doesn't matter now does it since I'm about to try to break him out.

I knock on the door and wait for him to answer he might be asleep.
The guy: "Whom is it now at this hour. If it's you priest fuck off."

We'll that's a warm welcome isn't it. Although then again the priest is the reason he's locked up in here.
Helios: "I ain't the priest if that helps. But I am someone that you probably don't know. But I do have a proposition if your willing to hear it."

The guy seems more interested now. Honestly his tone of voice became more friendly after finding out I wasn't the priest.
The guy: "Well then that sounds fun. I indeed am willing to hear it my good sir."

I am honestly surprised by this. He seems so nice and kind compared to what I have heard of him. I mean I heard some people say he was a good guy. Despite his habits of killing for the "God." He is actually willing to listen to. So that got my hopes up for.
Helios: "So the proposition here is you will do anything I tell you to do okay. Till you remove the tyrant of a priest. Once the priest is removed your willing to do whatever. But if you end up arrested again just know I can't help you."

He is quiet for a good bit before responding to me. He seems eager to accept.
The guy: "Okay dokey fine by me. I'm willing to play by your rules till the goal is finished. To listen and do what ever you say till the priest is gone. Just don't have me doing any stupid shit now. You hear me buddy."

Honestly that went better then expected. So I gently put my hand on the door knob. But I just have to confirm with him make sure he understands. Cause after all he could kill me the moment the door opens. I want to know that I can trust him.
Helios: "You do understand what is at risk right. That you will pretty much be my lap dog. Having to do anything I say regardless of how stupid it is. Cause I'm the only guy who can let you out. The only chance you got as of now. And I could simply leave you here. So I want to make sure you know what is at risk, and that you won't betray me the moment the door opens."

He is especially quiet after that but he does speak after a good minute or two of silence. He seems to be thinking while he says this. I still don't trust him fully though.
The guy: "I was once told by a wise man that "kindness should be return ten fold." And if you let me out that is a major kindness a kindness that will be worth any form of repayment. I have been in this cell for god knows how long. And I want to see the sun and moon again. I want to be able to see what our "God" has made again. To see the stars and sea. To be able to smell fresh air and witness nature again. So I promise on my good name that I will not betray you the moment you open this door."

He sounds so desperate it's surprising so I turn the door knob slightly and unlock the door . Simply saying and respond with.
Helios: "If you say so. I hope you are a man of your word."

And when the door opens I see a tall man about a few years older then me. He has fluffy and grey white fox ears and a fox tail. He has fur all over his chest and neck. I am guessing they didn't give him a shaving kit. Cause he looks like a fluffy white pile of fluff right now. He is wearing a black and white hoodie. That looks like it was made for the tundra with thick layers of fluff in it. He has black jeans on as well that show his lower body perfectly. His eyes cyan and wide his hair like his ears , tail, and fur is grey and white. He is skinny as hell so I'm assuming they been feeding him very little. He also looks dehydrated so I'm also assuming very little beverages as well. He walks straight though and is a lot taller then I expected. And fluffier then I expected as well cause he literally hugs me and lifts me up. So for a little bit all I feel his the fluffy fur all over his body. I'm glad that he isn't in his fox form,but god he might as well be with how he's looking. He repeatedly thanked me over and over.
The guy: "Oh you little saint thank you thank you. I will never forget this I owe you a lot. I will make sure to do what ever you ask. Thank you so much. (Exc exc)"

He is very kind surprisingly and fun so I look at him and hug him back. And after that I let go and look at the him one more time before walking down the hallway.
Helios: "So are we leaving this place or not sir."

He follows me real quick but he also says...
Northern: "Just call me Northern my friend and if I may ask whom you are. Cause I can't just always say my friend buddy and all that. That would cause a few issues heh. Nobody will know whom I'm addressing if I just say that."

I chuckle at this and as we walk and leave the chapel I finally respond with.
Helios: "The names Helios. I'm a dog as you can see. And I'm glad to welcome you back to your freedom. But we better move quick because it's almost day time and the priest should be getting up soon."

Northern chuckles at this and lifts me up and hugs me again.
Northern: "Thank you my little chien friend thank you."

Then we leave the chapel fully mission completed. No casualties thank god I didn't get caught. But this is the beginning of a very interesting chapter of my life isn't it.

The end of preview.

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