Chapter 11

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"Zora, Miranda what are you doing here?" He asked clearly surprised by them. "Well hello to you Benjamin Warren." Miranda said putting her hand on her hip. My God what a beautiful hip it was. Ben took her outfit and how the shorts hugged her thighs and the shirt showed just enough shoulder. Hearing her say his full name always sparked a rise in him that he wanted her to feel. Not seeing her in the last month flooded his mind with thoughts of her.

Before Ben could get any words out a light skinned man with shoulder length locs ran behind him and Jessie. "Hey babe here's his car keys" Deuce said handing over the keys to Jessie. "Thank you baby." Jessie said walking into the house. Her and Ros help get Ben to the couch to sit down. "Hey you must be Zora and Miranda. Ben has told Deuce and I so much about you." Jessie mentioned stretching her hand out to shake theirs. "Sorry who.."Zora asked. "Oh please forgive me. I am Jessie and this is my fiancé Deuce. Ben and I are old friends. We moved to Los Angeles about a month ago, and I wanted Ben to finally meet Deuce." She explained, and Ros took a long deep breath. That didn't go unnoticed by Miranda.

"I let him know I wanted to meet up with him just to catch up. I also wanted to introduce him to Deuce. We went to a bar right by the hospital. The atmosphere was really good and the drinks were loaded. Ben had one too many. I knew he couldn't drive. I brought him here and Deuce drove his car." Jessie said taking the time to clear things up. "Well thank you for making sure he got here safely." Ros said with much appreciation. "It is no problem at all. Hey Miranda can I talk with you outside?" Jessie asked. Unsure of what was ahead she followed Jessie to the door. "Hey babe can you wait for me in the car?" Jessie asked.

"Hey, so Ben was taking things pretty hard. From the looks of it you all have done a lot to surprise him. He was worried that he would miss his first Thanksgiving with you all. Because his job denied his vacation request." Jessie said ensuring Miranda was aware of how he was feeling. "Oh, no. We had his chief resident in on the surprise. He has the full week off of work. We were going to give him all of those details when he arrived." Miranda explained to Jessie. "Wow. You all went all out. Well that's good. After I told him about my engagement I heard him mumble no one wants me. Not you not Miranda." She said looking at here. From that point Miranda's thoughts were confirmed. "Hey we haven't done anything since" Jessie started but was cutoff by Miranda, "It's okay you don't have to give me the details."

"Seriously, I have found the love of my life. When Ben and I did fool around. It was never anything super serious. At least on my end. Sounds bad, but he was a place holder. I'm sure Ros even was aware of it. Due to that she wasn't a fan of mine." Jessie stated taking a step towards her car.

She was just trying to make reason of why she was slightly jealous of Ben and Jessie's relationship. Miranda watched as Jessie and Deuce pulled off. Going back into the house Miranda was really confused about her feelings. Now she felt this was going to be a long week.

Back in the house Zora and Ben sat in the couch as Ros started the meat for tacos. She listened as Zora explained their surprise scheme and working to make sure he was off this week. As they toured the house Miranda assisted Ros with getting all the fixings together and setting up the table.

"Dad dinner's ready!" Zora yelled to get Ben to come out of his room. The rental house has an amazing sun porch located next to the private pool. It gave the most beautiful view of the sunset.

"Hey I'm sorry that I messed up this grand surprise," Ben mentioned taking a seat next to Zora. Sitting across for Miranda he tried to avoid her eye contact. Ben felt like a true dumbass in this moment.

"It wasn't totally ruined and look at the bright side you have the whole week to make it up to us." Zora said smiling. Ben knew that meant it would cost his pockets greatly.

Everyone made their plates. Their items ranged from tacos, to nachos, burritos, and Mexican salads. Zora led them in a small prayer before they began to eat. Noticing the awkward silence Ros made a big announcement, "So family that contract that I was working really hard for - I got it." The trio all rejoiced. "Congratulations Ms. Head of IT." Zora said doing their secret handshake across table. "Thanks kiddo." Ros said reaching for her margarita glass. "Hmmm I wonder if my letter of saying that Grey Sloan was interested in one Rosalind Warren caused heat under their feet." Miranda smirked while getting a fork full of Mexican rice. Shocked both Ros and Zora looked at each and said, "You didn't!"

Taking a bite of the rice Miranda moaned in delight at how good it was, "Oh this is amazing Zora." She said. The moan was the most innocent reaction ever, but it took Ben's mind back to when he had her bent over. She was moaning his name. Trying not to stare, Miranda and Ben's eyes met each other for a split second. They both looked away. Ros picking up on what just took place asked Zora if she wanted to go for a walk on the beach to digest their food.

Gathering all the dishes, Miranda began to clean wash the dirty items. During this time Ben located his room, and to his surprise was a large piece of luggage in front of his bed. On top of it was a card in Zora's handwriting.

Hey dad! So if you are reading this you are aware that we have pulled off a birthday/Thanksgiving surprise. Mom, Ros and I have a fun filled week ahead of us. We have packed everything that you need. Hey if we missed anything we can always go shopping. Happy birthday dad! Z.

Opening up the luggage Ben saw all of this clothes arranged by days. It included all of his essentials and necessities. Ben was overjoyed and felt like a fool. Getting out of the steamy shower he found his shorts set. Rubbing in some scent body oils he left out to finish helping Miranda clean up the house. Miranda has completely cleared off the table, and was working on putting the dishes in the washer away. Struggling to get the bowl on the top self she put all she could in standing on her tippy toes. Observing her disadvantage, Ben rushed over to help her. He placed his body close to hers creating no room for her to escape. Shocked Miranda breathed in deep. The freshness of Ben's cleanse and body oil overtook her. She melted into him for a moment. Ben felt her body relax into his. Her ass plopping into his center, causing Ben to reflexes to place his hand around her core.

"I got it." Ben said in his deep baritone voice. The vibration of his tone sent chills down Miranda's spine. She wanted to reply with a smart comment, but her insides were so jumbled she became putty in his arms. Opting to say nothing out of fear of what might come out she just shook her head. Wanting to be free of this restraint, Ben noticed that she was wanted to be loosen. Placing both hands on her hips he turned her around in one quick motion.

"I'm so sorry." Is all he could manage to get out. Miranda saw the sincerity in his eyes. Her chest heaved up and down. She was so in love, mad, enraptured, furious, and down right head over heels. Not speaking and seeing Ben this last month was torture.

"Benjamin" Miranda started. "Oh don't do that Miranda. You know what that does to me. The way I'm feeling and my slight tipsy state of being I would ravish you right now." Ben mention as his hormones began to grow and Miranda could feel the firmness along her thigh.

"I'm sorry" she looked up with her dough soft eyes.

"I was wrong. I didn't stop to consider how you felt about us. It was only my feelings about what I wanted that took place in my mind." Ben mentioned recalling what took place in the on call room.

"Miranda I want to date you. I want to build a relationship with you. Make the parts of our family one. Hell one day I want to marry you. These feelings didn't happen overnight. They have been brewing since you first called me the Gasman." Ben chuckled and Miranda rolled her eye with a smile laugh.


"No I was wrong. Before we could really get to know each other we had sex and I hadn't even taken you out on a date before pushing a relationship on you." He clarified.

"Well Mr. Warren take me on a date." She said placing her hands on the counter behind her. Looking deeply in Ben's eyes with intense fire. It took Ben everything within himself to keep from making his every fantasy come true.

"I want to kiss you." He said in his deep velvet voice. "We'll want no more" Miranda encouraged standing on her tippy toes. 

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