Chapter 2: The Unexpected Meet

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Velvet, Orchid and KidRitz were in the hospital waiting room the next day. Then the doctor came out and asked: 

Doctor: "Velvet Dazzling?"

Velvet: "Yes?"

Doctor: "Veneer will wake up in a couple of months. He's currently in a deep coma."

Velvet POV:

Months?!?! Did I hear that correctly?!?! She thought..

Velvet: "Oh, a-alright."

Doctor: "He'll be OK, he'll wake up eventually, but you can come back in a couple of weeks. You can go and visit him now."

Velvet: "Okay."

 Velvet, Orchid and Ritz entered Veneer's hospital room. Velvet looked at Veneer, laying unconscious on the hospital bed. Then, she walked over to a chair that was next to Veneer's bed and sat down. 

She held Veneer's bruised hand. Velvet then whispered:

Velvet: "I'm so sorry, Veneer."

Then she started crying silently for a moment while holding her brother's hand. After a while, they all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. 

 A few minutes later...

Velvet was walking back from the hospital when she suddenly bumped into someone, making them spill their coffee. Velvet said:

Velvet: "Oh my goodness!!! I-I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there. Let me buy another coffee for you."

Josh: "No, I-It's alright. I was going to finish it anyway."

The stranger throws the empty cup in the trash can. Soon, His aqua-blue eyes met with Velvet's cerulean-blue eyes. Then he asks:

Josh: "What's your name?"

Velvet: "Velvet."

Josh: "Whoa, Velvet!"

Josh strokes a part of Velvet's hair and puts it to the side. Then, he said:

Josh: "Don't you recognize me? I'm Josh, Charlie's boyfriend."

Velvet: "Oh, hey. How are things with Charlie lately?"

Josh said with a quivering tone:

Josh: "Not so great. Ever since she became famous with her sister, we've been quite distant over the past few months."

After that, Velvet actually felt bad for Josh. Then, Velvet said:

Velvet: "Why don't I buy you another cup of coffee to cheer you up?"

Josh: "Thanks, I would really appreciate that. Plus, that cup is a replacement for the coffee that you spilled earlier."

Velvet responded:

Velvet: "Hey, you said it was alright!!"

Josh: "Haha, I was just joking"

As the both enter the coffee shop, Velvet saw a familiar face. It was Valerie (Velvet's co-worker and bestie). As soon as Valerie saw them, she ran to the counter. Then, she asked:

Valerie: "Hey Vel, Hey Josh. Your usual? To go or have it here?"

Velvet: "Yeah, thanks Valerie. We'll have it here."

Valerie: "Coming right up."

As Velvet and Josh took a seat by the window, Velvet stared at the beautiful night sky with the stars glistening like diamonds in the sky. Then, Josh said:

Josh: "So, how are you coping with Veneer's accident?"

Velvet replied with a quivering tone:

Velvet: "H-honestly, I have a lot going on right now. Without Veneer in my life is like there's a hole in my heart."

Velvet lowered her head and had tears in her eyes, James walked over to her and lifted her head with his hand. He wiped Velvet's tears with his hand and then he said:

Josh: "Velvet, we're all here for you. If you need someone to talk to, just call us and we'll be there with you."

Josh took Velvet into a hug. Soon, Valerie and Cameron joined in as well. 

After they had their coffees, Josh sent Velvet home in his car. After dropping her off at her house, Velvet said her goodbyes and they parted ways. Velvet entered her and her brothers.. Well hers for now, house, she felt lonely without him.. Like a part of her was missing. 

Velvet then rested on the couch until she fell asleep.



604 words

Sneak peek for Part 3--->(Velvet may meet the superstar duo in a concert)

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