literally just supernatural ramblings idfk

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omg hi im sleepy as all hell but i decided to rewatch supernatural and like

spoilers for season thirteen btw

im going insane???? like over sam and jack

bc like deans a hater when it comes to jack bc hes literally the son of satan (im literally obsessed with Lucifer btw, hes so silly) and hes blaming jack for the death of cas and marys disappearance thingy (and kinda crowley i think?????) even tho its literally not his fault hes a BABY. like noy even a fucking month old dean chill tf out bbg

but like ANYWAYS, sam adores jack. and its kinda the sweetest thing. like sam cares so fucking much and im so obsessed


sam is kinda sorta protecting jack from dean bc of the fact of a demon made sam drink his blood as a baby (wtf even is supernatural tbh) and like he was super cool demon powers from it

BUT BUT sam and deans dad (i kinda sorta am a john hater) told dean to murder sam bc of the demon blood and thats like, not slay???? dont tell dean to kill sammy omg

BUT LIKE dean refused bc hes unhealthy codependent and could never lose sam but now that jacks a guy hes all about murdering an innocent baby (he doesnt look like a baby tho, hes like a month old but also an adult. no i dont understand)

SO NOW sammy is like "dean no you cant 🥺🥺" and deans all loke "rahh rahh murder jack hes the Antichrist 😡😡"

and jacks thriving and cas is in the empty <3

also my obsession with castiel is insane like i love him sm

this was so poorly explained btw and i totally recommend supernatural, just be prepared to go a little insane

i feel like this made it sound like im a dean hater and i literally could never, i think hes so silly

like i too would giggle about two burly men in loincloths, what a mood dean

anyways ty for reading my silly little ramblings if you did ik that most of this isnt like at all harry potter related but this is a fun place to scream into the void so ❤❤

to everyone who is still reading, i hope you have a lovely day/night. also you look wonderful <3 keep slaying ❤

im gonna try to sleep now lmao why am i up at three am

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