
16 1 1

Vienna, Austria

Mom's hand suddenly stopped while serving Ash's favorite mango pudding, which she used to eat like a baby, dripping it on her clothes, her lips stained all over with the pudding. "Mom?" I asked, to make her come out of her thoughts. In a sobbing voice she said, "Park... this pudding was my Ash's favorite, she used to eat it every time..." She started crying, I stood up and hugged her... "Mom... don't cry, please get yourself together..." She loosened herself and with a spark in her eyes, she exclaimed, "You know? One day she hid herself in the kitchen cabinet and ate pudding, so that she wouldn't have to share it with anyone, and when we found her, the pudding was all over her mouth and her clothes were stained with the pudding..." As she said the last line, she burst out with tears, "Park... Where is my Ash? How is she? I miss her... I miss her a lot..." I hugged her again, "Mom... we miss her too... And we all know she is not a weak girl... she is fine, I am confident enough."

Dad stood up from his chair. He had been watching us, but what can he say? He is as helpless as all of us. But still he said reassuring mom, "Yes, Maple... although I am sad that she ran away without telling us her problem... But I am happy that she chose to listen to her heart. She is a very capable and sensible girl... don't worry about her." Mom nodded her head. I glanced towards Grandpa, he was silent from a very long time, Even after knowing that because of his Promise, Ash is not with us... i didn't saw an ounce of guilt on his face...

Mom asked Dad with hope, "Honey, do our Ash... misses us?" Dad replied in an instant, "Of course, Honey!"

"Yes Mom, Of course she should be missing us... she loves us so much, she loves you so much! But mom, we have to understand that, for now her dream is more important. I wish she will fulfill her dream one day And will come back to us as usual laughing and running and calling you- 'Mama and papa, I came back!'"

When i said this my phone rang, i saw the caller ID. I need to pick this up but not in front of Mom and Dad, they will start hoping... and if it isn't a good news, then it will break their heart. I excused myself and came in my room. Locked the door and picked up the call. "This better be a good news!" The person on the line said nothing. "I am sorry, Sir." I yelled, "Does this sorry of yours, gives my Ash back to me?" "No, Sir. I accept that but please try to understand, we have searched whole Austria. And not only that, I have sent my men to other countries. Sir, we have been searching for 3 whole years, but still we couldn't find anything, not even a clue. Sir, I think we should stop this searc--" Before he could complete his sentence, I ordered him, "I WANT MY ASH BACK! You are not doing your job for free! I am giving you money, and next time if you call me, It should better be a good news, else i am taking this task from your hand and giving it to someone better!" I hung up.

My anger was on peak, but only until I saw my Ash's photograph which I took myself for my practice. I loved this photo so much that I put this on my bed's side table... So that whenever I wake up, I feel less empty. I took the photograph in my hand, and tears fell down. I am reassuring everyone that Ash is alright... But I am also scared... How will my Ash live without us, in an unknown place... I stood up and went to Ash's room. It is still. It is lifeless. It lost it's shine. But we are hoping that Ash will come back in her room...and her room will again become full of life. I am crying... I am helpless... "I miss you Ash, Where are you? I miss the way you used to come to me whenever you were in problem, whenever you had any happy news, you used to come to me with a sparkling smile... that I loved. Because of you this house had hustle and bustle, everyone smiled because of you, you made everyone happy in every moment... but now... this house is no longer like that... It became a house of dead, But between all of them... I am alone... and hurt, that you, who shared every little thing with me, didn't told me, what were you suffering from... I am hurt, that you didn't trusted me... If you wanted to break the marriage you just had to say a "NO" to me... and i have broken this marriage.. for your happiness and for your future... but, you chose to disappear like that, instead of trusting me... I am hurt Ash... I am hurt..." I picked up the Diary she used to write everything in... I don't know why but reading this make me feel like my Ash is near me.

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