Chapter 14

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Reagan's POV

I woke up at two in the morning with someone's arms wrapped around my waist. I look over and see a shirtless Hayes laying next to me. If Shawn found out he'd kill me! Oh well.

I slip out of Hayes grip because need water. I slept too much. I probably won't sleep for the next few days. I walk into the hallway and I hear moaning noises coming from Shawn's room. Him and Josette are having sex! I run up to the door. I bang on it three times. Then I yell "use protection!"

I quickly run down the stairs. I hear people talking and then someone get up. There is about a two minute pause then I hear the door open and Shawn come downstairs. I just sit there drinking my water and looking at him.

"Hey Shawn." I say.

"Reagan." He says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Why are you up at this hour?" He asks.

"I slept too much during the day and now I'm wide awake." I say.

"I know that you heard us Reagan." He says. I just laugh. I think I laughed for five minutes.

"Yeah I did." I say still laughing.

"Please don't tell mom and dad!" He says.

"I won't." I say.

"But you can't get mad that Hayes is in my bed right now." I say.

He smirks. "I won't." He says. Then he turns around.

"Goodnight Reagan, love you." He says.

"Love you too Shawn!" I say. He walks away and goes upstairs. After I finish my water and decide I might as well go lay down and just spend as much time with Hayes as I can.

I walk into my room and find Hayes still peacefully sleeping. I lay on my bed. I guess me strong down cause him to wake up because I woke up slightly, put his arms around me and kissed my head. And then I feel back asleep.

--skip to morning--

I wake up in my bed but Hayes isn't there. I realize that I have school. I look at the clock. It reads 6:30. I have about 30 minutes to get ready. I quickly get up and take a five minute shower. Then I find random clothes and put them on. I brush my hair and run downstairs. I see Shawn standing there with an amused smile.

"Can you please drive me to school?!" I ask.

"Yeah sure." He says. We get in his car and we start driving to the school.

"So you realize you're wearing Hayes' shirt right?" Shawn asks.

Shit. Oh well. Maybe Hayes will actually talk to me. For the first time, I'm actually excited about school. When Shawn pulls up to the school I hope out. I still have 5 minutes to spare. Thank god the school is close. I walk into the school and I go to my locker. I put my stuff in it except the things I need. Then I go to find Hayes. When I see him I approach him.

Suddenly I'm slammed against a locker. Hayes quickly turns to see what happened. He looks at me sympathetically. Austin comes up and spits next to where I'm laying on the ground.

"Hey whore. How are you. I heard from your little "friend" Hayes that you tried to kill yourself. Too bad it didn't work." He says. Ouch. I can't believe Hayes told him! I look at Hayes. He mouths the words "I'm sorry" at me. I shake my head. The tears build up in my eyes. I stand up, only to be pushed back down.

"You're not getting away that easily. Just know because your faggot brother is famous, doesn't mean people like you." He says. That's it.

"Don't. You. DARE. Talk about my brother." I yell. Then I punch him in the face, only to be punched then kicked. While all of this happens, Hayes just stands there watching. I see a tear roll down his cheek then he walks away. Whatever. I'm so done with him.

After Austin is done kicking and punching me he spits once again then walks away. He turns around and says "try harder next time. Oh and tell that fag to try also." He says. Then he fully walks away. I get up and I limp home.

Once I reach my house I open the door. I see all of Magcon sitting on my couch. Wait what?

"Reagan why are you home? Why aren't you at school?" Shawn asks. Then he takes in my appearance.


Matt and Carter quickly get up and hug me. Carter picks me up and brings me to the couch. I don't want to tell them. But I know I have to now.

"Reagan please tell me what happened." Shawn says. I see tears building in his eyes.

"My bully Austin." I say.

"What did he do?" He asks.

"When I got to school I went to find Hayes." Just saying his name brings tears to my eyes. "Then I got pushed into a locker. He told me next time I try to kill myself to try harder. Then he called you a faggot Shawn! I got so mad and then I punched him. Then he punched me and kicked me. Then he told me to try harder again." I say. Everyone in the room looked pissed.

"Reagan why did you punch him?" Shawn says.

"Shawn he called you a faggot!" I yelled.

"Reagan, people call me that all the time! I'm okay." He says.

"Just please don't ever punch someone because they called me a name." He say, a tear sliding down his cheek. I get up and wince but I hug him anyway.

"I don't want you going back to that school. I'm going to homeschool you." He says.

"Shawn you can't. You aren't my legal guardian." I say.

"Then I will have mom do it." He says.

"Okay." I say. Then the door opens again. I look over and see Hayes standing there.

"Reagan." He says.

"Don't. Fucking. Talk. To. Me" I say.

"Reagan I'm sorry." He says. Tears streaming down his face.

"Then why the fuck did you just stand there and let them punch and kick me!" I scream.

"Wait what?" Shawn asks. Shit.

"You let that douche beat up my sister! You just watched. Why didn't you fucking do something?!" Shawn screams.

"Wait Reagan, how did this Austin kid know you tried to kill yourself?" Matt ask.

"Um someone told them." I say.

"Who?" Carter asks.

"Um Hhaiwishsb." I mumble under my breath.

"I'm sorry but that wasn't even English." Taylor says.

"Hayes." I say a little louder. Only loud enough for Matt to hear.


"Nash please just get him out of my house." I ask Nash.

"No I want him hear. I want him to see what they let that Austin kid do to you!" Shawn yells. Shawn is fucking scary when he yells.

He grabs Hayes wrist and pulls him over to me.

"Do you see that?!" Shawn screams. "They left bruises on her face!" He screams. Then he lifts my shirt.

"They also left bruises on her stomach and back!" He says. I pull my shirt down. He looks me in the eye and I look away.

"Get the fuck out of my house! And don't you dare step foot in this house again!" Shawn screams. Now I'm scared. I hide my face in Matts neck. I can't stand to see the look on Hayes' face.

I hear the door shut. That's when I start crying.


So 1) double update! 2) drama!

I thought this was a grate chapter. But it's probably not. I wrote a lot more than I thought I would!

Hope you like it! I'll probably update sometime tomorrow too!

Stay beautiful!💕


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