CHAPTER 4 : Nightly Ambles

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A few days had passed and Eirian was lying in a hospital bed.

The room was completely dark and quiet, but a vague dark blue-grey could be seen from the windows.

The bed was actually very cosy and the blanket was soft. She was lying in a very comfortable position, just staring through a window.

She had only been awoken by her wound a few moments ago and it was still very late, but she had an urge to go outside.

It was for no particular reason,but she could feel something pulling her.

She wrapped the blanket around her with some difficulty and got out of the bed.

She was already able to walk, but only slowly. She steadily made her way down the pitch black hall, letting her hand slide along the wall for guiding.

She wandered the halls and corridors, without a real destination or direction. She just let her feet carry her and although she was actually lost, her heart and mind were at ease.

She didn't know how to describe it, but it felt like time didn't exist. Like she would live forever. Like she had no troubles nor worries sticking to the back of her mind every moment. No responsibilities. No fear.


She pushed a door open weakly and found herself outside, the inky sky seemingly welcoming her with small bits of a blinking smile strewn all over.

There was no wind and it wasn't too chilly. Far off in the distance, she could see a large black lake, like a fallen bit of the sky. Next to it, farther to the side, was a particular tree that caught her attention. It looked like a Beech tree.

She sauntered along the coast of the lake, taking in the fresh air.

The night was soundless, calm. Rather empty... As if in waiting.

She lay on the ground between the thick protruding roots and looked at the stars.

She was still sleepy and hadn't been fully conscious throughout her whole journey. She didn't notice herself falling into a dreamless sleep while staring at the stars.


It was filling her lungs with needles.
It was gnawing at her nose and cheeks. No matter how she twisted and turned, she could not escape from it. From the source of her discomfort.
It was freezing cold and the rough winds were rushing past her in the darkness.

Finally she was awake. She sprang up, the pain from her wound only in the back of her mind as she stared at the chaos surrounding her.

The winds weren't crying, but screaming from sorrow, howling in her ears and pushing past her aggressively. The trees were shaking viciously, as if they were contorting with pain. The night was no longer calm, the dark sky no longer inviting.

Something in Eirian held her back from moving. Did she like the chaos? Did she enjoy how the wind shoved her around cruelly? Why?

But then she moved, trudging on against the force of the wind and gales, enduring the cold freezing her ears.

Finally, she managed to find the door and yank it open. It shut harshly and loudly behind her.

She let out a sigh. She hoped no one had heard it.

It was very quiet and still inside.

She was now fully conscious,but she was at a loss. How on earth was she going to get back to the hospital wing?
She didn't have any idea of how the layout of the first floor looked.

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