Chapter 6

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Song choice - Benson Boone: In The Stars

Walking into the school i can feel the tiredness radiating off of me my steps are sloppy if people didn't know who i was people would assume i'm some homeless girl with the way i look.

I take my phone out and head to my camera stopping in my tracks a bit on the side of the hall way i hold my phone out to take a look at myself.

My braids are in a messy bun which is going to be a hassle to detangle , the bags under my eyes are my literal enemy for a light skin girl u would think that the bags wouldn't look so bad or noticeable.


i close my phone rolling my eyes as i drop my arm as it slaps my thigh slightly.

"El!" Jille  runs up behind me jumping on my back making me tumble slightly "No-" draging the o "Get off mate you're gonna break my back!" i can see her roll her eyes from the side of my eye.

"Yeah yeah whatever you have the back of a old lady girl but uhm are we still gonna finish our discussion from yesterday" as if on cue the whole group comes up from behind Jille"yeah are we i think we should we need to find this dimwit and beat the fuck out of him" Marco says as he cracks his knuckles, rolling my eyes slightly giggling at them all as the rest of them either give
Marco a weird look or agree with him.

 "yes of course don't worry meet me at our spot after school at 5:30 ok" i raise my eyebrow signalling them to speak up if the can't come, the all nod they heads as the bell rings i say my goodbyes as i leave towards my locker.

The second bell rings before i can open my locker "Hey birdie" i turn towards the voice looking up at Leonardo a questionable look on my face shaking my head slightly i put my head up in his face. 

"Let me stop you before you say anything stupid-" i pause sightly "-again did you just call me birdie..?" he puts his hand over mine placing it down i look up at him through my lashes as silences takes over us, normally i would get butterflies but feels peaceful like the ocean, the sounds of the waves making my stomach turn but in a good way.

"Well to answer you're question yes i did you're little mess of a hair up there looks like there might be a few bird eggs in there" i'm not even really listening to what he's saying as he's staring down on me he slowly brings his hand up placing a strand of my curls from my braids that fell in front of my face and placing it back in place.

He's still holding my hand and is making slow circular motions on my palms i tilt my head slightly confused my eyes narrow "whats you're angle mate...just yesterday you were joking about my dead best friend and now you're what calling me birdie" I raise my eyebrow taking my hand out of his the look his eyes disappear before i could see what it was and is now placed with cold cold eyes..

"And i apologised for it get over it birdie" his tone is cold and the ocean like feeling is replaced with confusion and anger " oh fuck off you wonker go fuck yourself bud " he steps forward a bit face to face too close for my liking but i don't step back i won't give up.

As he's a about to say something  he leans forward our lips just a inch apart if he even talk right now our lips would brush against each other "Gladly birdie" my lips part slightly at the slight brush of his lips as he stand straight forward and walks away from me.

My fingers are playing with each other slightly as i open my locker to take my books out i take my phone out to check the time 9:45 i'm fifth teen minuets late now because of that wonker.

Taking a deep breath in i decide to go to a specific place before heading to class.

I still have the keys to the music room from last year me and isla used to come here a lot her dream was to become a singer her voice was amazingly beautiful and she loved playing guitar,  i open the door already knowing that no one is in here i walk towards where all the flowers, photos of isla are most from me and our friends but some were from people who didn't even know her or were just mean to her.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 10 ⏰

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