A baby born in war

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While we were sleeping there was a sound of huge explosion nearby. I snapped my eyes opened and woke up. Both Deva and Varadha got up too and looked at eachother.

I ran to the terrace and looked over. There was a huge army charging towards us.

"how did they know we're here." I was shocked because this place is literally surrounded by tall mines and how did they get to know about this. I ran to the door and turned back one last time.

"Rey we don't know our fate here we don't know if we're gonna die today or survive today but still let's try our best and take care both of you I can't bear to see you both hurt I've lost you two once i'll never let it happen again." I put on my cloths and ran to the watch tower.

When I reached the tower I ringed the bell to announce everyone that the war has come to us.

Some people get ready to escape and some people get ready to fight. I looked over the telescope to see how many there were.

"Aim the explosives!" I commanded.

"Shoot!!" Once they crossed the line of our area I commanded everyone to shoot the explosives.

We shot the explosives right to the tanks. It took at lease 12 explosives to cause damage to the army in front of us. But they didn't retreat and attack back to us too and some of our men got injured because of it.

Deva got up to the tower and patted me from behind.

"Rey go look at the people who got injured you can help them we'll handle this." Deva took over as I ran off to the medical emergency center.

I helped the people who got injured and people just kept coming in nonstop so I panicked as I am the only one who's good in these field and I didn't have enough helpers. But I tried my best to handle this professionally and cured a lot of people.

"Ma'am please help my wife she got shot and she's about to give birth please take a look at her!!!" A man rushed inside with his wife in his arms. He put her down on the ground.

I checked her body it seems she got shot on her shoulder later I checked her pulse and it's still running and she's still trying so hard to stay alive for her baby so I asked the helpers to get some towels, blanket and warm water quickly.

I covered her leg with the blanket and pulled down her pants.

"If you can still hear me please hold on for your dear baby that's about to experience the world for the first time please I need you to be strong." I calmly told the lady.

"And push!" I pushed her belly down with a bit pressure to help her push out easier.

"Sir hold your wife's hand and compliment her to help her get stronger." I looked at the man.

She was a strong woman despite getting shot she still tried so hard to give birth to her baby. The sound of a baby crying ringed the ears of the people presented in the room. I pulled out the baby and cut off his umbilical cord.

"It's a boy." I put the baby in his mothers hands. She looked over the glowing sun.

"Surya his name is Surya the sun." She looked at her husband as she died holding her baby in her arms. The man mourned for his wife and took the boy from her. He handed me the boy so I took him in my arms.

"A child born in war will be the most courageous man in the future your son is blessed from god mister even thought your wife is injured he made her strong to deliver this baby his life is a blessing it self mister." I told the man.

The baby looked at me and took my pinky.

"Welcome Surya this cruel word awaits you." I smiled at the baby.

To be continued

He's a character I added to help with the later plot of the story.

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