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I saw a massive brown wolf, who l think Jake because he is bigger than Mike and Ryan, standing  5ft tall. I froze in place as Jake's wolf stared at me menacingly. When he moved closer, I cautiously stepped back only to hear growling from behind me.

The pain coursing through my body is unbearable. I doubt my ability to continue running. Collapsing to the ground in utter exhaustion, I realize I have lost feeling in my arm and I'm consumed by excruciating pain.

"Aaaahhh!!!" I let out a scream as Jake clawed at my neck, realizing this was the end for me. My vision began to blur as I watched Jake make eye contact with the others. It seemed like he was mind linking with them, and shortly after his howl, they all sprinted away.

I can sense my blood slowly draining out with each passing second, and I'm starting to lose consciousness. As I looked down, I noticed my necklace on the ground, it's chain shattered. With what little energy I had left, I reached out my hand slowly.

I gazed at the necklace in my hand, the only possession I had since as long as I could remember. My biological parents were a mystery to me; I was discovered in the forest as a baby, wearing this necklace.

With tears in my eyes, I gazed at the barely visible small green glass leaf attached to a silver chain.

"please save me" I pleaded for help as I clutched the necklace to my chest, feeling the darkness engulf me. It was like descending into a bottomless pit of blackness, where I lost all sensation and my body went numb. Eventually, I surrendered to the darkness, realizing that I was dying in this state.

Jake's POV

We left her behind because she wouldn't survive anyway. If it weren't for my father, I would have torn her to pieces. However, he insisted that we needed to attend the pack meeting immediately.

My wolf Ace is currently furious because he had plans to torment her for a long time, but now duty has intervened.

We hurried back to the packhouse after chasing her, which had taken us far from the packhouse. Upon our arrival, I mind linked Toby to bring some clothes to the backyard.

Walking into the packhouse completely naked, even though it is a common occurrence, would not leave a positive impression.

We hastily changed clothes and fixed my hair before entering the packhouse. I made my way to the meeting location.

"Where have you been!" My father angrily snapped at me upon my arrival, demanding to know where I had been. He appeared to be in a bad mood.

"I went for a run, what's going on?" I said and took a sit, there is Alpha Daniel from Darkwood pack, he's here for some problems in his pack.

"The rogue attack is increasing and my fighters are wounded. We had dealt with my rogues but this time they were more in number than how my men were prepared for." Alpha Daniel said, he is pretty much as old as my father.

"I've mentioned before that supplies will be provided for the injured fighters in the pack as wolfsbane requires time to heal, due to the frequent occurrences of rogue attacks."

"We'll increase security at the pack border just in case they try to attack here too." My father said before the two old man stood up and shook hands.

"Alpha Jake and Mr Harris thank you for the help." Alpha Daniel said.

"We'll always be allies." My father said.

"I shay take my leave." Alpha Daniel said.

Author's POV

The moon's light filtering through a crisscross of leaves, intermittent sky patches, and glimpses of stars peeking through gaps in the trees.

Lia's lifeless body lay on the ground, drenched in blood. It seemed death had claimed her, but something remarkable occurred: her wounds began to heal and mend themselves.

How is it possible for her to achieve that, considering she is an omega? The flowers in the surrounding area began to bloom as the wind blew, causing the leaves to sway and block the moon.

A sudden moment of silence took Lia by surprise as her eyes snapped open, revealing a glowing emerald green hue. To add to the mystery, her blonde hair had transformed into a deep shade of green. There was an undeniable change in her aura that was hard to miss.

She leaped to a tree with agility, moving through the treetops like a monkey as she swung towards the pack's border.

After a period of leaping between trees, she finally descends to the ground. She finds herself close to the pack boundary, where there are around 20 wolves and a silver fence, known to be a weakness for werewolves as silver burns their skin just like wolfsbane and takes time to heal.

After dusting herself off, she appeared completely transformed. As she walked towards the border behind the trees, her steps suddenly stopped when she heard a twig snap.

She turned around and saw wolves emerge from the shadows, circling her. It seems that today her destiny is to perish at the hands of this pack.

The wolves were about six and they were part of the patrol wolves. The wolves were growling and glaring their sharp canines at her.

"Step back!"Lia commanded, her voice echoing with an almost otherworldly power. However, the wolves paid no attention to her warning.

Two more individuals emerged, assuming their human forms despite being wolves. They were known as the fighters of the pack.

"What brings a beautiful lady to invade in our pack?" One of the brown-haired guys mentioned, none of them seemed to recognize her, which was a relief as the entire group knew her and it could only lead to more problems.

"You guys are so stupid, you are all surrounding a lady while leaving the boarder unprotected, what if rogues invade?" Lia's said with her weird voice.

"The pack is none of your concern, right now you are the invader." The blonde guy said.

"Well it's true that it's none of my concern but I'm just making you aware of your surrounding."

"What do you want from our pack?" The blonde guy said and Lia chuckled.

"I thought rogues were killed on the spot without negotiation like what you're doing now, what if l say l want your head, would you give to me?" Lia's said and she folded her hands, daring them to take action.

"You sure have guts for a unarmed lady surrounded by eight wolves." The other guy said.

"Who claimed that I do not have any weapons?" 

"Sorry but l have no time to stand hear and chat all night, l have somewhere to be." Lia's said and turned to the border.

"Would you be kind and move out of my way please." She said to the wolves who were surrounding her.

The two guys laughed before saying." Do you think we'll let you go after you sneaked into our territory?" The blonde guy said.

"Well don't blame me for dragging your half dead out of my way, by the way l didn't sneak into your toxic pack." She said tying her hair.


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