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"Your hair is so beautiful." I said and placed the hair dryer on the table.(I've never been this patient and gentle with anyone other than my family but to her, I've unlocked my other self that I've been burying all this while.)

She was curled up on the chair too when l dried her hair and even braided it but she didn't notice it yet. Her face is void of any emotion.

I handed her the mirror, but she showed no interest in taking it, so I held it up for her to view. A slight reaction briefly flickered across her face before disappearing.

"You know how to braid hair..... thanks." She said, more like she whispered.

"Umm yes, l learnt it from my sister." I said trying maybe to lighten up the mood but l didn't get any particular reply.

"mhm" that's all.

I took the whiskey and ice, and water. I sat down facing her, l poured the whiskey in the cups. Before l was even finished pouring the whiskey in my cup, she took the other glass......

"Hey! Wait–" she gulped the whole glass before l diluted it.

She started coughing real hard, l immediately fed her water. (Damnit! What is she thinking.)

"I know you are heartbroken but this is not the right way to kill yourself. You just drank the strongest whiskey without dilation, are you crazy?" I said feeling my temper rise. I pinched the bridge of my nose to calm myself down.

She began crying once more, and I comforted her by rubbing her back. It seems like the whiskey is starting to take effect now. Her low alcohol tolerance is evident as she is now very intoxicated.

What have l done now, l was only planning for her to drink just one glass but now it's another story.

"Since..... I was born, my life has always.... been full of betrayal....

First my biological parents, who.... abandoned me, second, the orphanage. Third, my adoptive parents, fourth, my siblings, my pack, my first mate and now my second mate..... They all betrayed me, they never loved me because I'm weak.......

Am l just a toy to play with, l know I'm weak but did they have to rub it in my face. I've had enough now, I'm tired of this people......

I'm guessing you already hate me because I'm weak. I don't want to live anymore, maybe this could relieve the burden off my heart." She all said this crying, l blinked a few times registering what she just said.

(What!? She had two mates, no now I'm the third one. This has never happened before.)

"I want to end this pain, l want peace, my heart is tired. Nobody wants me in this world." She kept mumbling suicidal thoughts, she started pulling her hair, trembling. She's loosing her sanity by each passing second.

"Lia! Enough!!!!" Frustrated l yelled at her. She looked at me but still didn't stop what she was doing, instead more tears welled up in her eyes.

"I know you hate, so just kill me. I'm begging you, please kill me." She said trembling, pulling my hand in a begging manner before she grabbed the fruit knife on the table. She held it trembling, looking at it.

"Snap out of it!" She continued shaking her head and while holding the knife. (Guess l have to do this.)

I held both of her hands down away from her face, pinning down the hand with the knife so that she lets go of it. "I'm sorry." I apologized before leaning toward her face and kissed her lips.

 She tensed up before the trembling and shaking ceased, her hand finally let loose and l managed to take the knife, and it took a moment before she reacted to the kiss.

Her hands broke free and began to wander through my hair. Grasping my t-shirt, she pulled me closer to her face.

The kiss took another level, got heat heated each passing second. Her lips so soft and.....

She went from running her fingers through my hair to tracing patterns on my shirt. The growing desire in my heart intensified. Our lips separated slowly, leaving us both breathless.

"You said you are weak but who's fault is that? It's your fault for not fighting for your relationship, weakness has a cure. It's not the end of the world just because everyone doesn't like you....

Who cares about what they think about you, are you living for them? If you want to die weak then so be it but know one thing, if you're dying then let's die together!" I finally released that anger after she calm down. I hugged her tightly.

"I know you've gone through a lot but if you don't have any purpose then l give you one job to do." I said and she looked up to me.

"You have to become stronger and live, for my sake. That's just one job l want you to do."

"Do you understand?" I asked and she nodded her head, tears streaming down her face.

I wiped her face, her chicks are red. She's drunk. (Shit, l forgot this whiskey is so strong and on top of that, she drank it undiluted.) I sighed and sat next to her.

We drank few shots and she talked a lot for hours. She seems to have forgotten about what happened and the whiskey was talking not her.

She finally fell asleep, l decided to take her upstairs.

As l lifted her into my arms, l couldn't help but chuckle at how peaceful she looked, despite her drunken state.

Her hair fell gently on her face as she rested her head on my shoulder. I made sure not to jostle her while climbing up the stairs.

I went into her room, tucked her into the blankets, gave her a kiss on the cheek, turned off the lights, and then left. (It's unlikely she will remember any of today.)


As I slowly open my eyes, the bright light filtering through the curtains feels like a punch to my already throbbing head. I groan and try to remember what happened the night before.

I couldn't remember anything, all l could see were blurry images in bits. I tried recalling other stuff too but l didn't remember anything. How did I end up in this state?

As I slowly sit up, the room spins and my stomach churns. The taste of alcohol lingers in my mouth, making me gag.

I stumble out of bed and head to the bathroom, hoping that throwing up will make me feel better. But it only adds to my misery as I kneel over the toilet, a pounding headache making me feel like I’m going to pass out. My whole body aches, every muscle screaming in protest.

The room feels like it’s spinning even more now, making me feel like I’m on a never-ending rollercoaster ride. (What the hell did l drink yesterday?)

I went to the kitchen, reached for a glass of water, hoping that it will ease the dryness in my mouth, but it only seems to make me more nauseous. I close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing, willing the pain to subside.

it’s like a never-ending cycle of agony, with each breath feeling like a mountain to climb.

I went back to my bedroom and took a cold shower, hoping that it would work. I threw up, and finally my stomach was much better. I don't think l can go anywhere today in this state.

I threw myself on the couch, I'm so hungry and tired at the same time but l have to cook. (Or maybe order something.)

I heard a knock on the door, (who could that be?)

I dragged my miserable self to the door, and opened it. It's a delivery man, l frown (l didn't order anything.)


HEY GUYS, would you like another like that chapter in Lia's pov of how she felt that moment. If you do please send a comment 😄 or vote.

Bye bye 👋 readers.

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