Chapter 2

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The campus at Masstropolis West Academy was unlike anything I'd ever seen. The hover-bus seemed like a dump compared to this gleaming palace. I was aware of my gaping mouth, but I didn't care.

I stood on the landing port, taking in the overwhelming view. The school building was at least three stories tall, with enormous crystal-clear windows stretching lazily across the front of the structure, showing off wide, polished hallways filled with lockers.

A spacious porch filled with lunch tables fell off to the side of the main entrance,where students were moseying aimlessly. The lawn was immaculate and an incredible shade of green that merged into a set of white stairs leading to an immense set of oak doors.

I couldn't help but wonder... Why? Why would someone invest in making a school this grand? This must have cost millions... I gave my head a slight shake and sighed. A normal school building would've been just as easy to learn in. A structure as obviously expensive as this could be put to far better use.

I jumped as Jean blew in my face, bringing me back from my disapproval of our Academy. He smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Do you always zone out like this?" He asked while nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah. Get used to it."

My eyes became wide, and Jean's eyebrows practically levitated to the top of his forehead. Even I was shocked by the tone I'd used, which dripped with a ridiculous amount of sarcasm. Ivy hadn't raised me to speak with manners like this; a pinprick of shame blossomed within me.

"Gettin' a little sassy, aren't we?" His eyes gleamed with light. A smile comfortably turned the corners of his lips.

I glanced at the him meekly, and knew that my cheeks must be as red as cherries. Jean stared at me, and a moment of silence followed. We just looked at each other, and I wished he would look away. I broke eye contact and stepped forward.

"Um..." I cleared my throat and twisted the straps of my backpack anxiously.
"I need to, you know, get to class." I hated the painfully awkward tone my voice took on when I was nervous.

The shine in his eye left, briefly replaced by an expression of disappointment. Then it was gone, a smile painted onto his features once again.
"Okay Yuli. I'll see you around." He walked away without another word, and was quickly absorbed by his group of friends I had met on the hover-bus.

Connor, and Chase, the red-haired boy, both glanced at me as Jean joined their crew. They looked nice enough, but seemed curious as to what I was doing hanging out with their friend. As soon as Connor caught sight of me watching, he gave me a slight wave and went back to talking.

I suddenly felt foolish. I had just told the only person I had spoken to here to go away. I gazed at the monstrous school building and felt very small. How in hell would I find my way around campus now?

I stuffed my hands into my pockets, which had begun quivering again. Be calm, I told myself. You are brave. I tried to encourage myself with Ivy's words, but my hammering heart refused to listen. I ambled off the port and onto the sidewalk, forcing myself to put one foot in front of the other.

I longed to be in my old classes, in hallways I knew with people I recognized. I cursed myself for trying to do well on the entrance exam for M.W. Academy. Most of my friends had put no effort towards the mandatory test that the graduating junior high class was forced to take.
I, my idiotic ambitious self, did every problem to the best of my ability, hoping that I'd be able to make myself into something special. Here I was, where I had strived to be....

And I hated it. I hadn't even attended a class, and I felt nauseous at the thought of even setting foot in the building.

"Who are you kidding?" I murmured scratchily to myself.
"You don't belong here, amongst all theses wealthy students..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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