8. A What?

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Persephone stared at the door, absolutely flabbergasted at this man and how he had treated her.

His build had been tall and thin, strongly structured, but Leanly formed. Words rolled off his tongue with such ease but with a clip, an accent tinging each word. German?

What had he been talking about? A taste? What did that even mean? And what even was tonight supposed to be?

Just then the great doors opened and an elderly woman bustled in, humming a soft tune, carrying a tray of food in her hands.

"Good morning, deary," she called, as she moved to the sitting area to place the tray down, "up and at'em, we must get you ready for tonight. There's just so much to do and so little time! Come eat while I pick you a gown."

When Persephone only stared at the woman she presumed to be the maid, the woman gestured again, "Come along, dear, we don't have all day and Alistair gets cranky if everything isn't done just right. So come on and get up."

With that she lifted the top of the silver tray off to reveal pancakes and sausage along side a glass of orange juice and a small bowl of porridge, the smells of each different flavor wafting across the room to meet Persephone's nose.

The older woman bustled to the wardrobe on the opposite side of the bed than the sitting area, and opened the door. A flash of color caught Persephone's eye and she turned to find that the large wooden wardrobe held tons of brilliantly colored dresses, each exquisitely crafted.

As Persephone leaned to the side to see further inside the closet, the woman's voice drifted over to her, "There is no need to worry about your outfit, dear, I have that covered. Now, eat your breakfast, like I told you," this woman spoke bossily but in a kind tone as if she were asking one to do something when behind it was an order.

Persephone's stomach growled loudly, urging her also to rise and grab some food.

Cautiously, Persephone pulled the plush covers off of herself, and throwing her legs over the side of the bed. Looking down she found herself shrouded in a thing cottony material adorned with lace, "How did I?"

The woman turned to see her gesturing to the nightgown she wore, "Oh, Alistair must have had someone do that. he does not like outside clothes," then adding, after seeing the concerned look on Persephone's face, "Do not worry, no one would have touched you, no one has that type of death wish. Everyone knows exactly whose you are."

"Uhm, whose am I?" The way it was said sounded as if she was an object not a person, it made her feel oppressed.

The woman turned to fully face her, her hands on her wide hips but a broad smile on her face, "Alistair's of course. I can not say any more though, it is not my place and I am sure he would rather tell you than me, so eat up and let us get you ready. I'm Martha by the way," the woman called over her shoulder as she once again began to rummage through the wardrobe searching for a dress that suited her needs.

Rising and moving to the sitting area, Persephone took the same spot that the man, 'Alistair,' had been in before. Picking up the fork and knife that sat next to the plate f pancakes, Persephone began to cut the food into bite sized pieces. Taking a bite, she nearly groaned in delight at how delicious the food was.

"How's this for tonight?"

Persephone turned to see Martha holding up a floor length gown the color of the sky in the middle of a sunny day in june. Beautifully crafted, the dress seemed cut to fit her perfectly, and not just fit, but form to her body, the skirt becoming flowing after the tight fit of the bodice, the sheer fabric seeming to be softer than silk.

Persephone frowned, "It's beautiful, but what could I possibly wear it too?"

"The ball of course!" Martha beamed.

Persephone dropped her fork, "What?"

A/n: sorry this took so long and sorry when I was writing this it seemed longer but I promise the next will be better. Updates may not come so quickly because I got a job for the summer and they schedule me almost everyday so I sleep a lot when I get home, but please love me still!  enjoy

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