Finally back home

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*(Izuku POV)*
After a chat with Kacchan, and a couple hugs and gifts, it was time to go back to the dorms. As I packed my stuff, I glanced at my calendar and dropped my bags. I felt my arms go numb as I read the date. Oh no... My heat is in a single day! I already missed a day or two at the hospital, so I can't skip them again... What am I gonna do?! "Izuku, are you okay? I heard a big thump!" My mother's voice broke me out of my spiral as I picked up my things. "I'm okay, I just dropped something!" I replied, now going down the stairs of my home. As mom dropped me off at UA, I remembered my situation. I walked into the dorms, heading to my room when Kacchan stopped me dead in my tracks. "Nerd," He whispered to me, just loud enough so only I could hear it. "Meet me at my dorm in two days." His voice was surprisingly calm as he walked past me. What am I gonna do?! My heat is in two days but if I say no, Kacchan's gonna kill me! I speed-walked over to my room and shut the door tightly. "I'm... gonna take a shower to clear my mind." I calmed myself down and stepped out of my room, holding some clothes. I walked to the man's locker room with a couple 'Hello's from my classmates. After the shower, I made my choice. I will tell Kacchan that I'm in heat when I'm at his dorm.

*Time skip because I'm lazy af*
*(Izuku POV)*
My eyes open, I sit up and stretch, checking the time. It's 6:30 and class starts at 7:45. I slowly step out of bed and walk over to my closet to get changed into my school uniform. I throw the undershirt over my head and pull down, but my shirt is stuck on something. I pull again, and get a twinge of pain on the top of my head. I take off the shirt and look into the mirror. "What the-" I mumble as I see a green thing on top of my head. I step fully in front of the mirror to reveal my very own green cat ears and tail. I try not to scream as I fidget with the ears to make sure they're real. I sit down and text Aizawa to tell him about my heat tomorrow and about the cat characteristics I suddenly got. After sending Aizawa a couple pictures, he told me that it was the after effect of someone's quirk. He said I didn't have to attend school for today and until my heat passes. I spent all day on my phone, worried about tomorrow.

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