chapter 6

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Pulling a majestic black horse down the narrow alley that winds through the quaint Downs neighbourhood, I stroll towards the clock tower. The night sky, a canvas of deep indigo, illuminated by the brilliant glare of a myriad of stars, their radiance blurring within the vast expanse. The rhythmic ticking of the clock echoes, an almost melodic backdrop to the measured cadence of footsteps.

"Hey Ren, you been waiting long?" Yua's voice breaks the serene night air. Yua looked confused "Wait, what the hell's up with the horse? I thought we could ride together, a little change of pace than what we normally do." Glancing over at Yua, whose attire deviates from the usual, always strikes me as strangely captivating. Yua inquires, "Where would our journey take us?"

"I found this hidden ice cave. I attempted to solo the boss, but it repeatedly beat me. It has its minions so it's hard to get them all while dealing with the boss. I could really use your help in defence." Her nod signals a readiness. "Sure, whatever. We can beat this thing. Wait, what kind of boss is it?"

"Ah, Yua, listen, will you please?" I implore, receiving an impatient "Yeah, yeah, okay Ren." I elaborate, "This boss is the Ice King Hollow. No matter how many holes I pierce into that daunting creature, it magically regenerates itself. Its regen and healing capabilities are about forty percent. We should stock up on gear before we set off. Stamina and healing items are a must."

As we arrive at a small cabin along the journey, we step inside. The interior, cluttered with discarded items, prompts Yua to remark, "Jez, this place is a dump." A small voice, almost shy, emanates from behind. Turning, we encounter a small girl with the NPC icon. Yua smiles, "Oh, it's you. How's your mother?"

The NPC replies, "She's better now, thanks to you, I think." Recognition dawns on me as I recall the connection to that fateful day. "Oh yeah, it's her from that day. NPCs are remarkable, their reactions so lifelike; it truly immerses you in the experience." With gratitude, the NPC offers us a discount, providing a favourable deal for 20 potions each, at half the regular price. It turns out to be a truly advantageous arrangement.

Reaching the ornate main gate, Yua hesitates before gracefully mounting the horse. "Couldn't we just teleport there?" she suggests, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. "Yeah, we could, but it'll still be a one hour forty-minute ride to the dungeon. Plus, I started playing an old game Red Dead Redemption," I explain, a playful smile crossing my face. Yua ponders for a moment, her features softening, "Hmm, never heard of it."

"Wait, ren couldn't you have gotten two horses?" she questions with a playful smirk. "Yeah, we could, but do you know how to ride a horse? yua" I counter, a teasing tone in my voice. Yua snaps back, "Don't be a smartass, Ren."

As she settles in behind me, Yua readies herself, deftly handling the horse's buckles. The noble steed sets off, speeding up the hill. Yua stumbles, her grip tightening on my hips. "Ah, slow down, Ren! Sorry, Yua. I want to get there in time. Slow down, dammit!" she shouts while her grip tightens her, warm body brushing up against me. I blush, holding my composure as long as I can. It's an intense ride, with heavy snowfall creating a magical, almost surreal atmosphere around us.

Pulling out my map to locate the marked location, I shout over to Yua, "We're almost here, somewhere in the majestic mountains." The wind and snow make it impossible to see, Reaching the large mountain tops covered in a glistening blanket of snow, on the rocky edge.

As we dismount, I catch Yua's gaze, her face flushed, her eyes revealing a mix of excitement and apprehension. She avoids my eye contact, her breath visible in the chilly air. "Well, Yua, here we are. Looks like the dungeon is hidden somewhere in these mountains," I say, the snowy landscape adding an ethereal touch to the moment. Walking becomes a challenging ballet, our feet sinking into the soft trench of snow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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