Introduction and Trigger Warnings

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Thank you all for stumbling upon my little corner of the Internet. I've created this account and by extension, this story, in hopes of reaching a wider audience with something more disturbing than what I usually write under something that's not my real name

When Bad Dogs Do Good Things is written to be rotten at its core. It's such a left turn in concept and content that if my following were to associate it with me, I think I might get committed. That's not to say that what you're about to read is the most disturbing piece of literature ever committed to paper, but that you're about to read a story about bad people doing bad things.

That is to say that if you generally need trigger warnings, this story is probably not for you. I toe a careful balance between being 2edgy4u, spoiling the story, and giving readers an enjoyable experience.

Trigger warnings:

-Self Harm
-adult situations and graphic depictions of sexuality
-drug use
-naughty words

WHEN BAD DOGS DO GOOD THINGSWhere stories live. Discover now