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      Anne, who did not know any better, had decided to go inside the house since the Van Daans had left it unlocked. When Anne walked in, she immediately saw the porridge on the table. She had been starving ever since she had walked into the forest, so she walked up to the table to inspect the porridge. Anne tastes from Mr. Van Daan's bowl. "This is too hot! How could anyone eat this," she exclaimed. She immediately walked up to the second bowl of porridge. "This is too cold for anyone to eat," she remarked. Anne grew hungrier at the thought of being able to eat a normal porridge, so she walked up to the last bowl. "This is good enough I guess," thought Anne. She then ate the whole thing without saying a word.

     Anne then began to explore the house and saw 3 different chairs, each with a different feeling. She walked up to the first one to sit down, but the chair felt too hard. Anne yelled, "How could anyone actually sit on this!? Might as well be sitting on bricks!" Anne then walked on to the next chair, hoping for something comfortable. "This chair is like a pile of feathers," exclaimed Anne. She walked onto the last chair which seemed perfect, but when she sat down on it, it broke into multiple pieces. "I'm not even that heavy!? How did that break," Anne commented. She then walked away to look for something else in the house.

     She had walked past the bedroom, but walked back to see what was inside. She saw 3 beds, and looked through each of them so she could rest. The first being too hard, the second too soft, and the third was just right. She had rested for a while, then she heard muffled screams coming from the kitchen.

     "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PORRIDGE!? This is unacceptable," Mrs. Van Daan yelled. Peter was staring at his emptied bowl when Mr. Van Daan pointed out that Peter's chair was broken. The Van Daans were desperate to find out who had caused a ruckus in their house. Mrs. Van Daan ran to the bedroom to see if anything was broken or missing. Anne heard this and tried to get out through the window, but it had been too late. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE," Mrs. Van Daan yelled, "GET OUT!" Anne fought back saying, "It is not my fault! You left the door unlocked!" "WELL DON'T GO INTO STRANGER'S HOUSES," Mrs Van Daan exclaimed. They both kept going at it until Mrs. Van Daan said, "Well then! Get out now and don't let me see you again!" And just like that, Anne ran out of the building.

Anne and the 3 Van DaansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora