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⋰(~♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♦️♣️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️~)⋱

Sorry if the beginning's kind of short, I'll try to make it longer whenever I find the time to do so.

⚠ Triggers: Bullying, Usage of cursing and certain swears. ⚠


                  Another year has passed for them all. It was a quiet afternoon in the mystical woods near the pawn shop, the wind blowing the flowers, grass, leaves, and trees with a wistful sigh. It was undoubtedly unusual for the enormous economy of creatures to stay in this sort of silence for too long. Usually, he and his sister, Mabel, go into wacky, unusual, and fun adventures, discovering and figuring out pieces of the puzzle they were trying to put together. That was until Bill Cypher was summoned into the forest again. But, once again, he was defeated by Grunkle Stan. However, it was somewhat different now. Dipper felt unsettled with the silence, clutching onto his newly earned 'Clue' bookbag with his signature symbol being a maple leaf, and his sister being...well, his sister as usual, but she felt a bit uncomfortable as well by the silence, hugging her pet pig tightly. The pig lightly screeched a small squeal in response to the pressure given to it, squirming in Mabel's grasp to get away from the pain it was going through... or just to tell her that she was squeezing the life out of it accidentally. The most curious question for both of the twins was 'Where was Grunkle Stan?'. After a few moments of silence (not including the pig's squeals just a moment ago), Dipper managed to build up his courage and managed to say something to shatter it. "Should we...should we go in?" Mable looked at him in confusion. Was that a question, or a topic to pick up on? She knew that he was quite nervous about the abnormalities and certain types of ghosts and demons that were here last summer, but when it comes to figuring these things out, he's great at it. "Of course, Dip!" Mable responded in her usual ecstatic and cheery tone, carefully dropping down her pig while slowly wrapping an arm around her twin's shoulder for some form of comfort. "Besides, who wouldn't want a warmer welcome at the Ol' Mystery Shack? Now come on!" Mabel suddenly grabbed his arm and slowly dragged him into the shack while the pig was close behind the two, Dipper not being surprised at this action, and decided not to fight it. After all, it is summer for both of the twins. Mabel kicked down the door, the door opening with the sound of a creak. Mabel shivered a bit, Dipper noticing the underwhelming feeling of his twin, getting up slowly and holding onto her hand. "Well, this is it." Dipper managed to say through a short breath, putting most of his fears aside. The pig that was in Mabel's hands earlier managed to squeeze through both of the twins, squealing and disappearing into the dark shack. Mabel became panicked, chasing after it while pulling her brother into the darkness as well. "Porky! Come back here, it's okay! We're at a familiar place, remember?" Mabel called out to Pork-Rind, the pig who she loved dearly. Any sound or faint whisper that was left of the three mammals was drowned out by the darkness in the store, the door closing in on itself slowly, making screeching creaks as if it was screaming for something. Or, rather someone for help.

                     Meanwhile, somewhere else that had lost everything was now in its position, its place, somehow erasing both the forest and the shack. As if the space-time continuum was an illusion itself, forming the magical wood to become something more, somewhere in the area where Gravity Falls was currently. Soon, children were laughing in a small building, eating pizza, and playing in the ball pit, the scenery looking like a celebration of some sort, whilst a masked teenager playfully chased one of the children smaller than the rest of them. The child was bawling and scared out of his mind, holding onto his beloved yellow stuffed bear tightly, and ran as fast as his little legs could run, as if running was his only savior left. The teenager, sadly, caught up with the child and picked him up by the back of his shirt, laughing as if the pain towards the child was humoring him. "Oh my god, Chris, it's just a Foxy mask! Stop being such a crybaby all of the time. Or are you just scared that I might claw you?" Michael made a feral gesture towards his prey, snickering at the thought of tickling him until it hurt. Chris, the child, was struggling to get away from the teenager, squirming, kicking, and trying to hit him at least once, soon crying out in a loud, bawl-like response. "STOP! STOP IT! PLEASE MIKE, LET ME GO!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" The teenager, Mike, made a slight chuckle and took off his fox mask, leaving it on his head to rest there and revealing his face. "And miss this opportunity for our BIGGEST prank yet? Yeah, I don't think so." Chris' eyes widened with fear and his mouth dropped slightly when he said this and stopped struggling to get away. He felt as numb as a ragdoll, the worst feeling for a child with such night terrors. What was he planning this time? Mike smirked a bit and carried him to his group of friends, who were all wearing masks as well. There were three of them, a chicken, a bear, and a purple rabbit. "Did you get your brother yet?" The masked chicken asked a question to Mike, who was putting his fox mask back on. "Yup. He's too easy to find." The bear looked a bit confused. "Hey, uh, Mikey? I think he got away." Mike looked around quickly, seeing that Chris, his brother, was nowhere to be found in his grasp nor in sight of the area where his gang of friends were currently. "...Shit."

             Chris quickly hid under a large blue kid table while they were distracted, heavily breathing and barely keeping himself together. He didn't want this to happen to him, not even on his birthday. He never wanted those monsters in his bedroom, trying to kill him every night. He remembered them having teeth with so much detail, including red stains and springs whirring inside of them. He never wanted anyone to ignore him because it was 'all just in his imagination', he wanted people to believe in what he was saying. It's not a dream that he can shove away at any time, after all, it was a matter of life and death. His life and death, specifically. He told them the truth. The whole truth, even. It scared him to death. He doesn't want his life to end like that, being brutally chewed up with sharp jaws all along his skin like pricking needles, not at all. He then realized something, and it paralyzed him with fear. He lost his stuffed bear. His favorite stuffed animal. His only comfort left. Chris whimpered a sob and started to breathe heavily again, curling himself up into a small, human-like ball. Why was his brother doing this? For his own needs? He didn't understand this, and it feels like he never will. But, then again, he doesn't remember what happened to his mother. He wished he could understand more of what was happening. He wished that he could go to sleep, and not have to fight monsters past his bedtime. He wished that his mother never disappeared. He wished that his brother was nicer to him. He wished that everyone would listen to him and that nothing ever went wrong. His cries, without him realizing it, were getting louder by every minute. He couldn't control himself for much longer. Then, he heard soft tapping nearby. Chris' heart started to pound out of his chest as he looked at the two feet closing in toward the table, his guts and legs screaming at him to run. But he was too paralyzed to think of a single action. A figure that seemed to be wearing a purple bunny mask walked over and stuck his head under the large table.

"Found you."


I hoped you enjoyed it so far. I'm trying to get into the concept of Gravity Falls since I...didn't...technically watch the show yet...but I'll try to watch the series whenever I can.

Oh, and since I've heard that the show was only planned to have two seasons, I'm turning this into my own spin-off for the series. That includes putting new characters into the story, making them interact with each other, and so on.

If you don't usually read the tags or description, then that's a bit of an explanation for you. If you do, however, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who does.

See you next chapter.

1499 words.

⋰(~♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️ ♥️♦️♣️♠️~)⋱

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