Chapter 9

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(Slender man's p.o.v.)

I acted casual and cool, yeah this was a pretty view but she was... well... captivated by the scene. The look in her eyes it just, well, I don't even know how to describe it, I guess I liked the way she looked when she was captivated by the view. 

"Ready for the next stop?" I asked. 

"Sure!" She smiled and reached for my hand. I've never actually touched human skin with my hands before, it was soft and,  pleasant to say the least. Teleporting us to our next destination,  I let go of her hand.

"Well?" I asked.

"Whoa!" She leaned over the edge looking down at Victoria falls. "This is amazing!" 

"Yeah, I guess so." I smirked. 

"Shut up you're used to this sort of thing. " she huffed.

"Always with the attitude." I chuckled. 

"Shut up." She giggled.  I smiled, she couldn't see it though because my lips were closed. But she always made me smile. I don't know what it is about Silk but she just makes me really happy. 

Watching as she enjoyed herself, I simply stood by her side and waited for the signal she was ready to leave. It was honestly amazing how humans seemed to enjoy visiting different places so much. I guess she was right, I am used to just going where I want, but for her it seems almost impossible. 

"Look!" Silk suddenly yelled and pointed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her, I froze in place just staring at her. "A rainbow!" She was smiling as she looked over the mist of the water, now painted with color as the sun began to set. "Isn't it beautiful!?" I still stood frozen, unresponsive, left paralyzed by her touch. 

A warmth grew inside of me I've never felt before, somewhere deep in my chest it felt like something awakened, something began to move. I couldn't explain it if I tried, this was entirely new. 

I've held hands with her before, this was something I was just getting used to, or so I thought. It seems like every time we hold hands this feeling erupts and gets stronger each time. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, it wasn't unpleasant. Perhaps if I just stopped and tried to figure out what was happening to me, and figure out what's causing it, I'll know what it is. I cleared my throat and began to speak.

"Ready for our next stop?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Yup!" She smiled and gripped my hand tighter. The feeling in my chest increasing. 

Appearing in Africa I set us up perfectly to view a watering hole teaming with life. Giraffes, elephants, zebra, primates, birds, everything. Sure enough she was just as taken aback as every other destination. 

"Wow." She whispered as she watched the animals closely. "Oh look!" She tapped my arm and smiled, pointing to a baby zebra drinking it's mother's milk. "Oh how cute!" I kept myself quiet, letting her enjoy herself and trying to keep the peace so that a fight didn't break out between us. Honestly, I just liked watching her, seeing her enjoy herself, being happy. It seemed like everyone else could make her smile so easily. But with me she just gets mad. So I enjoyed this moment, this brief moment of happiness and joy she had because of me, because of what I did for her. 


I hesitantly took her hand as we prepared to leave the Amalfi coast and head back home, at least ten hours had passed since we left and the entire trip was just her admiring the scenery and me silently watching. And then it was over, back in her room I let go of her hand.

"Thank you." She smiled at me. "I really enjoyed that, everything was beautiful. I really don't know what to say. I guess maybe I should apologize for being so mean to you all the time, I didn't even deserve that after what I've done to you." She looked down and bit her lip.

"You're welcome." I said softly. I realized I had hardly talked all day and now was probably a good time to say something, I have so much on my mind but nothing to say. "Well. I guess I'll see you again some time then?" I asked. She gave me a questioning look.

"You're just gonna leave? Why don't you stay for a bit and we can just talk and hang out?" She offered, the feeling I've had in my chest all day seemed to jumped and I couldn't bring myself to say no.

"Sure!" I said a little too excitedly. 

"Aright!" She sat on her bed and patted the spot next to her. "Sit." 

I placed myself next to her and she smiled. 

"Let's get to know each other better. You've been all over the world, what's your favorite place to go?" She looked at me curiously. Something about the way she looked at me made me feel hot.

"Well, let me think." I stopped, what was my favorite place? "I guess I never really thought about that. I don't really have a favorite place." I said.

"Okay, well, where do you live?" She asked. "Do you have a house? Do you live in a cave?" She smiled. 

"I live in another realm." I said, referring to Under The Under World. Where every other creepy pasta character lives. 

"A-another realm?" She seemed a little confused. 

"We'll just call it UTUW. Names and titles aren't important, but it's a dark place with a lot of creatures like me." I explained. 

"So... There's more than just one Slender Man... How many are there?" She asked.

"Well, there's only three of us left now. The other creatures have entire races though." I felt a little upset. Three of my kind and thousands of the others. It wasn't fair. 

"Why only three?" She asked, curious.

"It doesn't matter!" I suddenly yelled. I could feel myself getting hot with anger.

"I-I'm sorry. Let's not talk about that then." She looked away, I think I scared her.

"Let's not talk at all." I said and left.

Okay so it's been a long.... long... long time since I have updated.... And it probably will be awhile till I update again but here's this part completed, I do have big intentions for this book and when it ends I will start a second book to this one. So sorry I suck at updating but I hope you enjoy it!!

Do You Ever Feel... Watched? (A Slender Man FanFic) *Slow updates*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora