Chapter 3

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I was looking out my plane window, me and Jamie didn't talk much after Slender Man invaded and nearly killed her. I watched the clouds pass us, or we passed the clouds, anyways I was just bored, I couldn't help but think, why was he so, so, so soft when he was holding me down, not very tightly, just enough so I couldn't get up, and when I cried. His voice, it was just so, nice? 

I couldn't get it out of my mind, I just sat there thinking, I looked at my carry-on bag, it had the camera Slender Man used to take the pictures, I couldn't help but smile and laugh a little bit. I hadn't looked at them yet, so I picked it up and pulled it out.

Looking at the first picture was just fuzz, I hit the next button, the next was just really really dark and you couldn't see anything, then there was one with jellyfish glowing in the darkness, but that still didn't prove anything. The next was of an underwater light shining right at the camera, next was a fuzzy video, I hit play.

"Howg shoo gib trish thimer foo worgk?" Said a fuzzy gargled up voice. "Ohg I'mmm regording..." Then it ended. I smiled and laughed a little, he must have used the timer on the camera so they didn't turn out all fuzzy. His frustration was hysterical. I smiled as the next picture was a sucsess, it was a picture of a cliff ocnnecting to the sea floor. I smirked, because this still proved nothing.

"So what's that?" Jamie asked softly beside me.

"The pictures that Slender Man took." I said quietly. 

"That's a pretty nice photo." Jamie said.

"Yeah, but it still doesn't prove him right." I laughed a little bit.

"On what subject?" She asked.

"Whether the land we are on floats or not, he says no i say yes, I know it doesn't really, but it ticks him off when I am 'right' and he is really funny when he's mad and can't do anything." I smiled.

"Seems like you two are buddies huh?" She asked.

"Not really, i guess you could say frenimes though." I shrugged. Jamie moved a strand of hair that was sticking to my lip.

"You don't want to be friends with him? I mean I would if it meant he wouldn't kill me!" She said in a loud whisper.

"Well, he's not going to kill me, I don't know why, I told him to just get it over with but he stood there looking at me and it seemed like he was just laughing at me, at my fear." I said thinking back to when I was under the tree eating my sand which minding my own business then boom I'm scared to death.

"But he could at any moment, Silk, please be careful." She said.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I smiled. 

"Please buckle up and turn off all electronic devices we are about to land in Colorado, put all tables up and secured and make sure your carry-on bags are in a place that is not in the way in case of emergency." Said the voice over the intercom.

"How many times I've heard that before." Jamie said placing her carry-on under her seat, I did the same after putting the camera into the bag. We landed safely and got off, our bags were going through the search. I watched closely as the man pulled out the camera, he turned it on. Oh no was all I could think. he was obviously going through my pictures, or Slender Mans pictures.

"Ma'am would you please step over this way." He said. I followed his directions and went over with him and another guy into a back room. 

"Would you please explain this?" He asked playing the video. 

"That's my cousin, he has a speech defect." I said.

"And this?" They asked, showing me the picture of the cliff.

Do You Ever Feel... Watched? (A Slender Man FanFic) *Slow updates*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora