[chapter 7]

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I wandered down the hall, I didn't know were the bathroom was! I didn't know what to answer to any of those questions. Stupid stupid STUPID JAY.

Why cant I just answer! its just anxiety medication! i just move alot but NOOO I have to be aqward and suspisos and dumb and I need to figer somthing out.

And that girl! Nya, shes the one I saw before and she was so nice to me and I blew my chances again! and Kai was cool, and not mean or rude! Zane is- I dont know if thats how friends are supposed to act?(or humans to be honest..)That Cole guy was kinda quiet but not rude or anything!

Ugh... I just rememberd before I get home sens-

"are you okay?!." A deep voice suddenly said, really shaking me. Trying to put me back in balance I saw Cole, he was strangly familer but what was he doing here?He looked worried- I took a second to scan the room, I was in an empty classroom, had I just been pulled in by him?

"dude, your crying." Oh no! Way to make a good first impresion. I wipe my face with my scarf that he pays really close attention to for some reason.

"sorry, didn't notice!" I tried to save the situation, but my voice was terribly shaky. How did I end up crying? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid attention seaking Jay! What do I say?! what do I do?!?

"are you okay?" he said in a soft tone. He wasn't thretaning alothough he was a buff dude. he made me feel calm- ish. Every time he looked at my face- or mostly the scarf, he gets an angry expretion and opens his mouth to say somthing, he never ends up saying.

"I thought I was-" I wanted to ease his worry but honestly I was pretty worried too, why was I crying? What the hell!? I started to scrach the back of my neck, a lot, I mean a LOT.I guess its how I calm down. His eyes started to widen as he listened to my scratching, I dont care! I just need to calm down!


He grabed my hand. My nails were bloody ...

I started to panic, No.. No! NO!

He pulled me in for a hug, "Its fine dude, calm.. down..." thats what I call calming. My breathing eased I took a deep breath.. I'm fine...
I'm.. fine....

I slowly pulled away from the hug and put on a smile, maybe he would brush it off? "Thanks, really."
I pulled my scarf over my probably bloody back of neck, it stung, a lot. But it usaly goes away within a few days.

He looked shook. Almost more than I probably did. "Dude." He said, pretty bare of emotion.
"What happend?" He continued.

I took a second, I guess it was just from the questions. Maybe Its easyer to tell him and he can tell everyone else, I felt more at ease around him. As if I used to know him or somthing.
I cant tell them about my parents junkyard, or why I moved or- no! I can tell them about mymedication, at least I dont seem like an addict or somthing.

"The medication I took, its called clonazepam and it helps with my anxiety." I didn't stutter! YES!! total = 200 piont bonus!!
He didn't say anything, just stood there. Looking at me. "Thanks. For bieng confortable telling me." He paused before he asked somthing new? "But , I have to know were you got that scarf." He stoped bieng calm, he was intimidating or desprate. He was really focused on this scarf.

"I g-got it from a friend in e-elementery school-l, his m-mom made it I think." I tried to come up with a full answer, but thats all I remember. He got me stuttering again- oof. -10 pionts. "Can I please see it." I had to show it to him, I dont know why but I had to. But then He would see my teeth,braces and cheeks- :c . And if he looked behind he would see my neck.

I started to slowly pull down my large orange scarf, I tried to keep my mouth closed and handed him the scarf carefully. I dont even trust my  Ma and Pa with this thing. I guess he is really convincing. I gulped and he looked around at the small pached parts and there it was, 'nitted by Lily' his eyes grew wide, was that the name of somone important to him?

He grew confused as he read on- 'made for Libber'. I never found out who she was, my mom alwase said it was a great aunt or somthing.
He handed it back, "thanks." . Your welcome? I put on my scarf before he saw my teeth, and then answerd "sure."
Its quite a blunt answer but the guy was intimidating. -_-

He walked out of the room slowly, looking back to say goobye.

That felt good, but bad. What if they judge me based on the fact that I take medication? Thats not a good thing to think about. Not at all.
I remember having anxiety attacks alot when I started bieng-

[chapter End <3 sorry for short chapter :c]

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