[chapter 14]

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I'm not sure why but I decided to make Nya 16 instead of 15, but Kai stays 17 whilst Cole and Zane are 18 and Lloyd is... who knows?

[Trigger warning: Self Harm (directly named) [some Jaya nearing the end<3]

Jay POV- 1000, 2000, 3000 WORDS YAAAAAA

By the time I got off the bus it was 01:32 am, we had a blast today and I need a good nights sleep. I also have to go get the house keys and get it ready before its my turn.

I yawn as I enter, stretching my arms out and dropping my bag on the floor.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I got home late, but it wasn't this.

"Were the fuck have you been?!" My Pa shouts, startaling me out of nowere. My parents rarely curse, so this already freaked me out.

"o-out, with some friends."I say while looking up to see my Ma and Pa tired and with very concerning looks on their faces.

"So, this gives you the right not to tell us were you are?!" My mom shouts, Now I know I've fucked up.

"No! Ma- Pa, I- I didn't mean to-" I try to explain, I didn't mean to stay out that long at all!

"Jay Walker! you have never done anything like this, ever. So you get one free pass , with a thought out apoligy! But if this happens one more time-.." My Pa threatans.

I gulp as I say the next words "I'm really sorry, can I please apoligize tomorow morning?" My parents sigh a painstaking sigh, "fine."

before leaving I say, "I love you."

"We love you too."

atleast they love me.

I walk to my 'room' and sit down on my bed, I really didn't mean to worry them! I just got stuck with my new friends and- this is completly my own fault. I should have called them before going anywere.

stupid, Stupid, STUPID Jay...

I walk to the bathroom as I hear the conclution to my parents hushed discution, I'm glad they aren't grounding me or somthing..

I pull down my scarf.

I take a shower.

Pull on my PJ's.


I can feel my neck bleed.

Keep scratiching, you deserve this.

I feel tears drown my eyes, keep scratching.

My neck began to throb, keep scratching.

I dig my nails into my neck, stop scratching.


I take my phone, flip the camra and acess the damage.

Pretty bad- good - I'll get some bandges.

I open the cabinet, take a few out and wrap the parts of my neck that hurt.

tsk, thats painful.

I pull my hair down to hide them.

Its not like its, self harm? I dont hurt myself! theres a reason so it makes sence! No no! I have to hide them! They-...

I dry my hair with a towel, throw my clothes in the laundry and walk out.

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