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"Let's go! Move it, Reeves!"

I pumped faster, becoming more breathless and losing more energy. I was lifting weights, Asher was doing pull-ups, and surprisingly, Richard was doing push-ups.

That man has been eating like a damn pig. Just munching on shit.

"Alright, that's it for today, boys. Get cleaned up and come to the conference room," Mr. Müller, our boss, said.

I released my breath as I dropped the weights, feeling sore in my arms after doing 100 on each arm.

"I hate running," Richard whined. I chuckled at his behavior. We all headed out to the shower room.

All of us took our showers in peace. My mind, as usual, swarmed with thoughts of Sariah.

But this time was different. She wasn't on her knees or anything; she was standing, holding a baby.

My baby.

He had caramel skin that was more on the white side, my blue eyes, Sariah's cute nose, her lips, and really curly hair.

One day, Daniel, one day...

I felt a smile on my face as more thoughts of Sariah and 'our baby' flooded my mind.

I always thought having kids was bad luck due to my childhood. My father being an abusive drunk and my mother passing during my birth put that image in my head.

I feared as a child that if I had a kid, that would happen to me and my future woman. Me, an abusive drunk, and his or her mother. Dead.

My father was a real jackass before I met Sariah. I was cold even towards the boys, but they understood my situation.

They knew how my home life was.

Hell, they even saw it first hand. That was the worst day of my life. My friends seeing my father come home drunk and beating me up as if I were a thief, leaving me with a bloody and bruised body with cuts here and there.

But that's a story for another time. Right now, me and the guys were fully dressed and making our way to the HQ's conference room.

The sound of our shoes hitting the ground with each step was the only sound being heard.

It was the weekend, so most of everybody who was supposed to work here was out. Meanwhile, since we are the company's top agents, we work most of the weekends.

"What do you think this meeting is about, this time?" Richard asked. I shrugged as Asher kept quiet.

He's been like that since Sariah left and hasn't really spoken since. Richard started distancing himself, and me...

I've been working more to pass the time and keep myself occupied until Sariah comes home. Whenever she does...

She has been a lot busier lately. We barely even get to call her because of her work hours. And when we do, she is always asleep.

It gets kind of depressing, not having the one person who brings that joy into your life by your side.

"Welcome, boys." We all bowed our heads before making our way to the table. Don Müller stood at the head of the table.

"I'm sure you all have heard by now that Aldamar is dead, and all the kids who were there have been taken into custody by one of our rivals."

We all nodded. "Alright, well, that's not the main reason why you all are here. I brought you here because I am planning a kidnap."

He clicked a button on the remote, causing the lights in the room to dim and for the projector to turn on and flash on the white screen.

"Rosàlia Fuchino," the screen flipped to a picture of a woman with long red hair and brown eyes.

My eyes widened in shock as I recognized the woman's face. That's Sariah's friend.

"Reeves, you look like you've seen a ghost. You know this woman?"

I shook my head, relaxing back in my seat. "No, sir,"

"Alright, well, let's get started then."


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