Hiding Places

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[A/N: Just so you know, these chapters are going to be much shorter then the previous ones from "I Hate What I See In The Mirror"
I hope you don't mind.
That does mean they will be coming out faster though!

Okay, enjoy! 😘]

"Boys! Come quickly!"
Kushina shouted from inside. They both jumped to their feet. Itachi paling. Rushing inside they followed the direction of their mother's voice.

"Mama, what is it?"
Itachi asked as they came into the room.

She held out a large box.
"It's Sasuke's gift."

"You... got him a gift?"
Kurama asked slowly.

"Yes! I thought a nice goodbye gift was in order for him. Since he is undoubtedly going I had it shipped already. And it's arrived!"
Both boys shared a glance of relief.
"Come, come look!"
She cheered as she set the large box on the coffee table. Shoving off all Kurama's things.


"Oh, those aren't important right now! Look!"
Her hands fumbled as she hastily ripped open the box. Itachi leaned over her shoulder to see.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes! After seeing how happy he was with the clay Madara got him, I knew exactly what I had to get him!"
She began pulling the parts out.

"A pottery wheel and sculpting tools?"
Kurama quirked a brow.

"What's he going to do with all that clay if he doesn't have the right tools?"

Itachi smiled over her shoulder watching all the bits and pieces coming out.
"He's going to love this."

"You think so?"
She whirled around with a beaming smile.


"What's this?"
Kurama fiddled with a disassembled part of the pottery wheel.

"I'm not sure, let's find out."
The raven went digging into the box and came out with the instructions.
"Here we are. Oh, I see! It attaches to..."
He snatched another part out of the pile.


"Let's put it together and see!"
Kushina clapped her hands together. The boys smiled and got comfortable, Kurama on the floor with his legs crossed, and Itachi on the couch reading the instructions. Kushina sorted the pieces and handed them to her son.


"Now, those two are connected with that piece, there."
Itachi pointed to it.

Kushina picked up a piece.

"No, the one next to it."

"Ah, this."
She handed it to Kurama who turned them over and over trying to discover how they attached. They must have been there for hours. Surrounded in plastic bags and discarded bubble wrap. Somewhere in their chaos Minato must have gone out and cleaned up their picnic because he had brought in all the food and set it out for them. Itachi having a pepper in one hand and an open peanut butter container leaning against his legs. Now the father was in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

"All that's left is to attach the spinning tray."

Kurama snapped. He was not very good at this.

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