Chapter 24

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~~Izuku's POV~~

I wiped the sweat off of me as I finished tending to the garden -his wounds are almost all healed- I let out a long sigh as I looked up at the sky as a breeze picked up and started to cool me off

-I don't want him to leave-

I stopped and looked down -what am I thinking, I only allowed him to stay so he could heal- with a sigh I picked up the basket and made my way back to my house but stopped when the scent of the breeze changed so I put my basket down and let my wings out and I flew up into the sky

When I got up to the sky I didn't see anything but I put my hand out and made a barrier around my house appear and continued to look around I let a sigh out as I was getting ready to go back down to the ground when something caught my eye

-don't know what it is so let's get ready for anything-

I snapped my fingers and I changed into my battle outfit as I kept my eye on what's coming towards me

-I can't tell from this distance if it has an evil intent or not but I can't take any chances-

I made a horn appear "haven't used this before but" I took a deep breath and blew into the horn which made a loud below sound come out and all animal sound stopped including all insects

"What's wrong master"

A few crows appear on both sides of me "intruder" points to the thing coming towards me "no idea of it has evil intent or not" both crows perched on both of my shoulder as we watched it fly in our direction

"Is Tokoyami and Tsuyu safe"

"Yes master, Tsuyu put up a extremely strong water barrier around their house and river and they went deep into river"

I nodded as I made my staff appear
"it's coming" they got off of my should but stayed next to me

"it's a red dragon master"

-another dragon, is this one here to take Katsuki back or to hurt him-

As it approached me I held my staff out and pointed it at the dragon "halt intruder" it stopped flying and hovered where it was "who are you and why are you in my Forrest" it didn't say anything or shifted to it's half human form

"I won't ask again"

I could tell it was analysing me with it's eyes before it shot fire out at me


"if it's a fight you want dragon then it's a fight you get"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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