Doctor Ruby

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It was a clear day with cherry blossoms flying around in the gustling wind. A few of the petals touched her soft skin as it made its way down to the green grass. She walked through the pink
runaway with elegance as if it was souly made for her. She walked with her hair free and a sweet smile lingered on her lip. A man seemingly in his mid 20s
waved at her. She waved back and approached him with the same sweet smile. She greeeted him as she
sat down next to him in a bench with a lady standing close by and a camerman in front of them."Doctor, Are u ready for the interview?" he asked.She nodded after looking at the ladies hand
gestures. The camerman besides the the
interviewer focused the camera onto them and he was signaled to start rolling by the interviewers thumbs up." Hey everybody I am Naveen here
again. Today I am her to introduce u all to a fascinating young lady. Could u please introduce urself doc ".She moved her hands gesturing what the lady near to her interpreted as "Hi I'm Ruby. I'm
a doctor since two years. It's great to meet you". Naveen looked at her in awe as she spoke through sign language with a calm expression. "So Dr.Ruby, could u share a lil abt ur journey as a doctor",
he asked. "I had wanted to be a doctor since i was 6 years old. Some of my relatives still tell me how the 6 year old me used treat them when they were sick. I was a smart and pretty popular kid. It was when I was 10 that I lost my hearing due to neural damage. The doctors weren't sure of why I suddenly lost my hearing but they were pretty sure i'm not
getting it back again. I had to learn sign language, stop learning music which I use to enjoy. Moreover I couldn't understand what people were talkin abt. I felt
lonely even thou i was always around people. I refused to go out of my room for almost any year bcz I didn't want be treated differently and i didn't want
those pitiful eyes. I stayed home crying most of the time tired of life blaming it all on the god I once used to believe in. One day my mom came in with a
book and a pen and wrote down 'wanna read something?' in a paper. She had some 10 books in her hand. I threw the paper away and went back to crying. My mom left my room trying to control her
tears. I had not seen her cry ever in my life, not even when it was found tht I had lost my hearing. She kept on telling me to act strong and face whatever comes in my way bravely. Seeing her sad made me
even more sad but still I didn't see my parent's struggle as I was busy worrying abt myself. My mom was suffering for cancer and was in her final
days. It was when she was bedridden tht I came to know about this. I went straight back to the room and found the books she brought me. It was handmade books by my mom and dad with stories and quotes handwritten and the gestures in sign language for every single word drawn along with it. I was in tears seeing how they had put in all this effort for me with them even learning sign
language instead of me and teaching me through those books. I didn't leave my room for a few weeks I spend all my time mastering sign language through those books. One fine day I went out to my
mom's room where my mom and dad were conversing with eo through sign language. They had been using sign language ever since I lost my hearing ability. I felt bad for not noticing what my parents were going through all this time. I ran toward them hugging them saying ' I love u both'. I came out as a new human . I wanted to be strong
like my mom. A fighter like her to be precise. I wanted to give myself and my parents something back for making me who I am. That's exactly what I
have become today. The happiness I get when being called doctor is really priceless." Ruby ended. The place was silent everyone were amazed by her story. The interviewer took a while to speak saying" Your story is truly inspiring. I'm almost in tears just by hearing it. I can understand how hard it would have been facing it. " " Did this effect ur learning or working process? What do u think when u look back?" he asked. "My inability to hear hadn't
affected my studies or work as i have had my interpreter to guide me when needed. Well, it could have been an obstacle but as my desire to achieve
what I need is more than the struggle I had I don't feel it tht way i guess. One thing that keeps me gong is how 'ALL IS FOR GOOD'. I had been motivated by people before and probably I can be
someone else's motivation some day. 'Some deaf girl can be a doctor so why not me?'.
Maybe that's what god wants to tell through my story. And about me looking back, I don't have time for that bcz the me of tomorrow needs me more than
the me of yesterday." He could feel her words. "Finally, do people still treat you
differently?" he asked. " Well, some do I guess but I can't go shut all their mouths or make all of them understand me. And yeah it is not like I can hear all their critisism anyways." she answered with a smile. " I really love how you talk
about stuff with a positive spirit . Not gonna lie,you have surely become
someone not only ur family but anyone could be proud of. Thanking for taking time from ur busy day sharing ur motivating journey with us. Hope u
have a day as great as your smile. " he ended to which she thanked him back. "So that was it for today guys hope you enjoyed the chat with Dr. Ruby .Thank You for sticking around till the end . Stay
postive and happy. This is Naveen signing off."

Heyoo people, I'm back!! This is something I wrote while doing my prep for NEET. When I first wrote this I never thought I would write more of Naveen. It was just for the story of a deaf doctor that I wrote this but yeah I enjoyed exploring this other character Naveen. So I kept on writing about him umm that's it. Please don't come at me for any mistakes. I'm still working on my writings. Hope u had a great read. Bieee

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